Revision: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 21:05:20 GMT
v2.14 – outdated
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Keeper routes are accessible via global Spiral\Router\RouterInterface. You can register them directly in the router or via keeper bootloader and annotations. The last options allow you to isolate all routes in the given namespace.


GuardInterceptor is added to the KeeperCore by default, use @GuardNamespace and @Guarded to create a permission. If @Guarded annotation is missed, KeeperCore will protect a method using namespace.controller.method permission as a fallback.

Register routes via bootloader or Router

New route should be declared after the parent::boot() call. Controllers must be declared before the route declaration:



use Spiral\Boot\BootloadManager;
use Spiral\Keeper\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Router\RouterInterface;

class AdminBootloader extends Bootloader\KeeperBootloader
    protected const NAMESPACE = 'admin';
    protected const PREFIX    = '/admin';

    public function boot(BootloadManager $bootloadManager, RouterInterface $appRouter): void
        parent::boot($bootloadManager, $appRouter);

        // Controllers are used via aliases
        $this->addController('user', 'App\Admin\Controller\User');
        $this->addRoute('/users/new', 'user', 'new', ['GET'], 'createUser');

The next routes will be created (see php app.php route:list output):

+-------------------+--------+------------------+---------------------------------- +
| Name:             | Verbs: | Pattern:         | Target:                           |
+-------------------+--------+------------------+---------------------------------- +
| admin[createUser] | POST   | /admin/users/new | App\Admin\Controller\User->create |
| admin[]   | GET    | /admin/users/new | user->new                         |
+-------------------+--------+------------------+---------------------------------- +

Routes will be duplicated by a generated name like controller.method.

Register routes via annotations

Attributes is a more convenient way because annotated routes allows you to use sitemaps - another powerful submodule for building menu navigation and breadcrumbs.

\Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Action and \Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Controller attributes are available. They should be used together.

Controller defines:

  • current namespace (optional, keeper by default)
  • internal name/alias (required)
  • prefix (optional), used for all actions within the controller
  • default action defaultAction (optional)

Action works pretty much the same as a basic Route annotation from the framework annotated routes. It defines:

  • route pattern (required)
  • name (optional, controller.action will be used as a fallback)
  • methods (optional)
  • defaults (optional)
  • group (not used for now)
  • middleware (optional)




use Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Action;
use Spiral\Keeper\Annotation\Controller;
use Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface;

#[Controller(namespace: "admin", name: "user", prefix: "/users")]
class User

     #[Action(route: "/create", name: "createUser", methods: "GET")]
    public function create(ViewsInterface $views): string
        return $views->render('admin:users/create');

The next routes will be created (see php app.php route:list output):

| Name:              | Verbs: | Pattern:            | Target:      |
| admin[createUser]  | GET    | /admin/users/create | user->create |
| admin[user.create] | GET    | /admin/users/create | user->create |

Routes will be duplicated by a generated name like controller.method.


You can either call a route by its name directly or using a RouteBuilder

 * @var \Spiral\Router\RouterInterface     $router 
 * @var \Spiral\Keeper\Helper\RouteBuilder $routeBuilder
$routeBuilder->uri('admin', 'user.create');

The output will be the same: /admin/users/new

RouteBuilder takes care about namespace isolation pattern.


To enable default controller routing it should be added explicitly to the config. Either via KeeperBootloader::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER value or via config file:

return [
     'routeDefaults' => ['controller' => 'App\Admin\Controller'],

Default controller action can be also defined either in the config:

return [
     'routeDefaults' => ['controller' => 'App\Admin\Controller', 'action' => 'list'],

or via defaultAction property in @Controller annotation.

For default controller index method will be used as a fallback if no defaultAction provided in the default controller annotation.