Make sure that your server is configured with following PHP version and extensions:
To install the package:
composer require spiral/cycle-bridge
After package install you need to add bootloader Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader\BridgeBootloader
from the package in your
use Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader as CycleBridge;
protected const LOAD = [
You can exclude Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader\BridgeBootloader
bootloader and select only needed bootloaders by writing them
use Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader as CycleBridge;
protected const LOAD = [
// ...
// Database
// Close the database connection after every request automatically (Optional)
// CycleBridge\DisconnectsBootloader::class,
// ORM
// Validation (Optional)
// DataGrid (Optional)
// Database Token Storage (Optional)
// Migrations and Cycle Scaffolders (Optional)
// Prototyping (Optional)
If you are migrating from Spiral Framework 2.8 at first, you have to get rid of old packages in composer.json:
"require": {
"spiral/database": "^2.3",
"spiral/migrations": "^2.0",
"cycle/orm": "^1.0",
"cycle/proxy-factory": "^1.0",
"cycle/annotated": "^2.0",
"cycle/migrations": "^1.0",
Then you need to replace some of bootloaders with provided by the package.
use Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader as CycleBridge;
protected const LOAD = [
// ...
// Databases
// OLD
// Framework\Database\DatabaseBootloader::class,
// Framework\Database\MigrationsBootloader::class,
// Close the database connection after every request automatically (Optional)
// Framework\Database\DisconnectsBootloader::class,
// NEW
// ORM
// OLD
// Framework\Cycle\CycleBootloader::class,
// Framework\Cycle\ProxiesBootloader::class,
// Framework\Cycle\AnnotatedBootloader::class,
// NEW
// ...
// DataGrid (Optional)
// OLD
// \Spiral\DataGrid\Bootloader\GridBootloader::class,
// NEW
// Database Token Storage (Optional)
// OLD
// Framework\Auth\TokenStorage\CycleTokensBootloader::class,
// NEW
// Framework commands
// ...
should be added after the\Spiral\Bootloader\CommandBootloader
to replace Cycle ORM 1 commands with new ones
That's it!
You can create config file app/config/database.php
if you want to configure Cycle Database:
use Cycle\Database\Config;
return [
* Database logger configuration
'logger' => [
'default' => null, // Default log channel for all drivers (The lowest priority)
'drivers' => [
// By driver name (The highest priority)
// See
'runtime' => 'sql_logs',
// By driver class (Medium priority)
\Cycle\Database\Driver\MySQL\MySQLDriver::class => 'console',
* Default database connection
'default' => env('DB_DEFAULT', 'default'),
* The Cycle/Database module provides support to manage multiple databases
* in one application, use read/write connections and logically separate
* multiple databases within one connection using prefixes.
* To register a new database simply add a new one into
* "databases" section below.
'databases' => [
'default' => [
'driver' => 'runtime',
* Each database instance must have an associated connection object.
* Connections used to provide low-level functionality and wrap different
* database drivers. To register a new connection you have to specify
* the driver class and its connection options.
'drivers' => [
'runtime' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
connection: new Config\SQLite\FileConnectionConfig(
database: env('DB_DATABASE', directory('root') . 'runtime/app.db')
queryCache: true,
// ...
Monolog channels definition example
You can create config file app/config/monolog.php
use Monolog\Logger;
return [
'globalLevel' => Logger::DEBUG,
'handlers' => [
'console' => [
'class' => \Monolog\Handler\SyslogHandler::class,
'options' => [
'ident' => 'spiral-app',
'sql_logs' => [
'class' => \Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler::class,
'options' => [
'filename' => __DIR__ . '/../../runtime/logs/sql.log'
You can create config file app/config/cycle.php
if you want to configure Cycle ORM:
use Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface;
return [
'schema' => [
* true (Default) - Schema will be stored in a cache after compilation.
* It won't be changed after entity modification. Use `php app.php cycle` to update schema.
* false - Schema won't be stored in a cache after compilation.
* It will be automatically changed after entity modification. (Development mode)
'cache' => false,
* The CycleORM provides the ability to manage default settings for
* every schema with not defined segments
'defaults' => [
SchemaInterface::MAPPER => \Cycle\ORM\Mapper\Mapper::class,
SchemaInterface::REPOSITORY => \Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository::class,
SchemaInterface::SCOPE => null,
SchemaInterface::TYPECAST_HANDLER => [
'collections' => [
'default' => 'array',
'factories' => [
'array' => new \Cycle\ORM\Collection\ArrayCollectionFactory(),
// 'doctrine' => new \Cycle\ORM\Collection\DoctrineCollectionFactory(),
// 'illuminate' => new \Cycle\ORM\Collection\IlluminateCollectionFactory(),
* Schema generators (Optional)
* null (default) - Will be used schema generators defined in bootloaders
'generators' => null,
// 'generators' => [
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\ResetTables::class,
// \Cycle\Annotated\Embeddings::class,
// \Cycle\Annotated\Entities::class,
// \Cycle\Annotated\TableInheritance::class,
// \Cycle\Annotated\MergeColumns::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateRelations::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateModifiers::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\ValidateEntities::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\RenderTables::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\RenderRelations::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\RenderModifiers::class,
// \Cycle\Annotated\MergeIndexes::class,
// \Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateTypecast::class,
// ],
* Custom relation types for entities
'customRelations' => [
// \Cycle\ORM\Relation::EMBEDDED => [
// \Cycle\ORM\Config\RelationConfig::LOADER => \Cycle\ORM\Select\Loader\EmbeddedLoader::class,
// \Cycle\ORM\Config\RelationConfig::RELATION => \Cycle\ORM\Relation\Embedded::class,
// ]
* Prepare all internal ORM services (mappers, repositories, typecasters...)
'warmup' => false,
If you want to use specific collection type in your relation, you can specify it via attributes
// array
#[HasMany(target: User::class, nullable: true, outerKey: 'userId', collection: 'array')]
private array $friends = [];
// doctrine
#[HasMany(target: User::class, nullable: true, outerKey: 'userId', collection: 'doctrine')]
private \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection $friends;
// illuminate
#[HasMany(target: User::class, nullable: true, outerKey: 'userId', collection: 'illuminate')]
private \Illuminate\Support\Collection $friends;
You can create config file app/config/migration.php
if you want to configure Cycle ORM Migrations:
return [
* Directory to store migration files
'directory' => directory('application').'migrations/',
* Table name to store information about migrations status (per database)
'table' => 'migrations',
* When set to true no confirmation will be requested on migration run.
'safe' => env('SPIRAL_ENV') == 'develop',
packageThe package is available via composer and can be installed using the following command:
composer require cycle/entity-behavior
At first, you need to bind Cycle\ORM\Transaction\CommandGeneratorInterface
with \Cycle\ORM\Entity\Behavior\EventDrivenCommandGenerator
You can do it via spiral bootloader.
namespace App\Bootloader;
use Cycle\ORM\Transaction\CommandGeneratorInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\Entity\Behavior\EventDrivenCommandGenerator;
use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
final class EntityBehaviorBootloader extends Bootloader
protected const BINDINGS = [
CommandGeneratorInterface::class => \Cycle\ORM\Entity\Behavior\EventDrivenCommandGenerator::class,
And then you need to register a new bootloader in your application:
protected const LOAD = [
Command | Description |
migrate |
Perform one or all outstanding migrations.--one Execute only one (first) migration. |
migrate:replay |
Replay (down, up) one or multiple migrations.--all Replay all migrations. |
migrate:rollback |
Rollback one (default) or multiple migrations.--all Rollback all executed migrations. |
migrate:init |
Init migrations component (create migrations table). |
migrate:status |
Get list of all available migrations and their statuses. |
Command | Description |
db:list [db] |
Get list of available databases, their tables and records count.db database name. |
db:table <table> |
Describe table schema of specific database.table Table name (required).--database Source database. |
Command | Description |
cycle |
Update (init) cycle schema from database and annotated classes. |
cycle:migrate |
Generate ORM schema migrations.--run Automatically run generated migration. |
cycle:render |
Render available CycleORM schemas.--no-color Display output without colors. |
cycle:sync |
Sync Cycle ORM schema with database without intermediate migration (risk operation). |