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Database - Installation and Configuration

The cycle/database component is included by default in Web and GRPC builds. The DBAL focuses mainly on unifying database access rather than trying to get 100% of the specific DBMS feature set.

However, you can always use direct queries to bypass the spiral abstractions.

Spiral DBAL supports MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgresSQL, and SQLServer (Windows) databases.


To install the component in alternative bundles or as a standalone library:

composer require cycle/cycle-bridge

Activate the bootloader Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader\DatabaseBootloader in your application:

protected const LOAD = [
    // ...
    // ...

To enable migrations component:

protected const LOAD = [
    // ...
    // ...


By default, the database configuration located in app/config/database.php file. The configuration includes a set of options for each database driver, database-driver association, and database aliases.



use Cycle\Database\Config;

return [
     * Database logger configuration
    'logger' => [
        'default' => null, // Default log channel for all drivers (The lowest priority)
        'drivers' => [
            // By driver name (The highest priority)
            // See
            'runtime' => 'sql_logs',

            // By driver class (Medium priority)
            \Cycle\Database\Driver\MySQL\MySQLDriver::class => 'console',

     * Default database connection
    'default' => env('DB_DEFAULT', 'default'),

     * The Cycle/Database module provides support to manage multiple databases
     * in one application, use read/write connections and logically separate
     * multiple databases within one connection using prefixes.
     * To register a new database simply add a new one into
     * "databases" section below.
    'databases' => [
        'default' => [
            'driver' => 'runtime',

     * Each database instance must have an associated connection object.
     * Connections used to provide low-level functionality and wrap different
     * database drivers. To register a new connection you have to specify
     * the driver class and its connection options.
    'drivers' => [
        'runtime' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
            connection: new Config\SQLite\FileConnectionConfig(
                database: env('DB_DATABASE', directory('root') . 'runtime/app.db')
            queryCache: true,
        // ...

Declare Connection

To create new database connection add a new section or alter existed options of drivers section of your configuration, you can use env function to keep your passwords and usernames separately.



use Cycle\Database\Config;

return [
    'default'   => 'default',
    'databases' => [
        'default' => [
            'driver' => env('DATABASE_DRIVER', 'mysql')
    'drivers'   => [
        'mysql' => new Config\MySQLDriverConfig(
            connection: new Config\MySQL\TcpConnectionConfig(
                database: env('DB_NAME'),
                host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
                port: env('DB_PORT', 3306),
                user: env('DB_USERNAME'),
                password: env('DB_PASSWORD'),
            queryCache: true
        'postgres' => new Config\PostgresDriverConfig(
            connection: new Config\Postgres\TcpConnectionConfig(
                database: env('DB_NAME'),
                host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
                port: env('DB_PORT', 5432),
                user: env('DB_USERNAME'),
                password: env('DB_PASSWORD'),
            schema: 'public',
            queryCache: true,
        'runtime' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
            connection: new Config\SQLite\FileConnectionConfig(
                database: directory('runtime') . 'runtime.db'
            queryCache: true,
        'sqlServer' => new Config\SQLServerDriverConfig(
            connection: new Config\SQLServer\TcpConnectionConfig(
                database: env('DB_NAME'),
                host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
                port: env('DB_PORT', 1433),
                user: env('DB_USERNAME'),
                password: env('DB_PASSWORD'),
            queryCache: true,

Use connection option options to set PDO specific attributes.

Declare Database

In order to access connected database we have to add it into databases section first:



// ...

return [
    'default'   => 'primary',
    'databases' => [
        'primary' => [
           'driver'  => 'mysql',
           'prefix'  => 'primary_'
        'secondary'=> [
            'driver'  => 'mysql',
            'prefix'  => 'secondary_'
    'drivers'   => [
        // ...


Your application and modules can access the database in multiple different ways. Database aliasing allows you to use separate databases with relation to one physical database.

Use aliases to configure IoC auto wiring.

Example controller constructor:

public function __construct(Database $db, Database $other)

To point db and other to specific database instance:



// ...

return [
    'default'   => 'primary',
    'aliases'   => [
        'db'    => 'primary',
        'other' => 'secondary'
    'databases' => [
        'primary' => [
           'driver'  => 'mysql',
           'prefix'  => 'primary_'
        'secondary'=> [
            'driver'  => 'mysql',
            'prefix'  => 'secondary_'
    'drivers'   => [
        // ...

Console Commands

The default Web and GRPC bundles include a set of console commands to view the database schema.

Activate the bootloader Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader\CommandBootloader in your application:

protected const LOAD = [
    // ...
    // ...

View available drivers and tables

To view available databases, drivers, and tables:

php app.php db:list

The output:

| Name (ID): | Database:  | Driver: | Prefix: | Status:   | Tables: | Count Records: |
| default    | runtime.db | SQLite  | ---     | connected | users   | 0              |
|            |            |         |         |           | posts   | 0              |

View table schema

To view the details about a particular table:

php app.php db:table posts

The output:

Columns of default.posts:
| Column: | Database Type: | Abstract Type: | PHP Type: | Default Value: |
| id      | int            | primary        | int       | ---            |
| title   | string (255)   | text           | string    | ---            |
| user_id | int            | integer        | int       | ---            |

Indexes of default.posts:
| Name:                             | Type: | Columns: |
| posts_index_user_id_5e32b9642a0ff | INDEX | user_id  |

Foreign Keys of default.posts:
| Name:            | Column: | Foreign Table: | Foreign Column: | On Delete: | On Update: |
| posts_user_id_fk | user_id | users          | id              | CASCADE    | CASCADE    |

Read how to configure database here.