Revision: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:23:37 GMT
v2.14 – outdated
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Keeper comes with several stempler directives, views and templates


Auth directive

Provides a permission check with context, uses GuardInterface call under the hood.

@auth('permision', ['some' => 'context'])

Logout directive

Wraps given logout url params and add current auth token:

<a href="@logout(admin['auth:logout'])">[[Log out]]</a>

For now this directive accepts the full route name.

Route directive

There's a convenient directive for generating uri in the given namespace:

<a href="@keeper('admin', 'createUser')">[[+ User]]</a>

Views and Templates

The next views and templates are worth mentioning:

  • keeper:login view contains sign-up form, can be extended for some customization or built from the scratch (don't forget to register the view in the keeper config):
// app/config/path/to/keeper/config.php

return [
    'loginView' => 'default:path/to/login/view'
  • keeper:layout/page and keeper:layout:tabs are 2 main layouts, example below:

< title="[[Title]]"/>
<use:bundle path="keeper:bundle"/>

    [[Some page content.]]

<extends:keeper:layout.tabs title="[[Title]]"/>
<use:bundle path="keeper:bundle"/>

<ui:tab id="information" icon="info" title="[[Information]]" active="true">
    [[Information tab content.]]
<ui:tab id="data" icon="cog" title="[[Data]]">
    [[Data tab content.]]
  • grid templates are powerful html elements for tables with filters:
    <ui:grid url="@action('users.list')">
        <grid:filter search="true" immediate="300" buttons="true">
            <form:select name="status" label="[[Status]]" placeholder="[[Select Status]]"
                         values="{{ ['active' => '[[Active]]', 'disabled' => '[[Disabled]]'] }}"/>

        <grid:cell.text name="first_name" label="[[First Name]]" sort="true" body="{firstName}" sort-dir="asc"
        <grid:cell.text name="last_name" label="[[Last Name]]" sort="true" body="{lastName}"/>
        < name="email" label="[[Email]]" href="mailto:{email}" body="{email}" sort="true"
        <grid:cell.render name="status" label="[[Status]]" renderer="status"/>

        < label="[[Edit]]" icon="edit" url="@action('users.edit', ['user' => '{id}'])"
<stack:push name="scripts" unique-id="datagrid-account-renderer">
    <script type="text/javascript">'status', function () {
            return function (status, item) {
                let map = {
                    "active": 'badge-primary',
                    "disabled": 'badge-warning',
                let badge = (status.toLowerCase() in map) ? map[status.toLowerCase()] : 'badge-secondary';
                return '<span class="badge ' + badge + ' mr-1">' + status.toUpperCase() + '</span>';

Some explanations:

sort="true" allows sorting grid by that column. Additional sort-dir="asc|desc" and sort-default="true" enables default sorting with order. name="first_name" is used as a name of the sort key in the query ([first_name]=asc).

condition="" allows showing/hiding the row if needed. body="{firstName}" is the name of the row column.

<grid:cell.render /> with renderer attribute allows using custom render template. Current item (grid row) and cell value are available inside.

Grid example below:

  "status": 200,
  "data": [
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "email": "",
      "showEmail": true,
      "status": "active"