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UI component for Forms

They are located in toolkit bundle, that can be included like so:

<use:bundle path="toolkit:bundle"/>

This is also automatically included when using

<use:bundle path="keeper:bundle"/>

See Usage Samples in demo repository


Forms are mostly regular HTML forms that have ajax submission functionality on top

<form:wrapper action="/" method="PUT">
    <form:input name="firstName" label="First Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>
    <form:input name="lastName" label="Last Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>
    <form:input name="email" label="Email" value="" required="true"/>

    <form:input type="password" name="password" label="New Password" size="6" required="true"/>
    <form:input type="password" name="confirmPassword" label="Confirm Password" size="6"/>

    <form:label label="User Roles" name="roles" required="true">
        @foreach(['admin'=>'Admin', 'super-admin'=>'Super Admin'] as $role => $label)
        <form:checkbox id="role-{{ $role }}" name="roles[]" value="{{ $role }}" label="{{$label}}"/>

            label="Select Something"
            values="{{ [1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Third'] }}"
            placeholder="Select Value"

            values="{{ [1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Third'] }}"

    <form:button label="Create"/>

Form image


Parameter Required Default Description
action yes - action URL of form
method no POST Http method to use, GET or POST
id no - id of form if you want to hardcode it
class no - class to add to wrapper
immediate no - debounce value in ms. if specified any change event will trigger form submission
submit-on-reset no false submit form on "reset" event, i.e. reset button. Useful for filters for datagrids
data-before-submit no - name of callback function in global JS scope that will be called before form is submitted. If that callback returns false, form will not be submitted.
data-after-submit no - name of callback function in global JS scope that will be called after form is submitted. Note you are expected to check form submission result yourself.

If you need more fine-grain control over form and it's callbacks, refer to source code


Most form inputs share common properties listed here

Parameter Required Default Description
label no - Label to render before input
required no false If true, renders red * near label
wrapper-id no - Id to use for wrapper div
wrapper-class no - Class to add to wrapper
size no 12 Column size for grid system
error no - Pre-rendered error feedback text
success no - Pre-rendered success feedback text
help no - Description text

Important: Most input fields will proxy all unrecognized attributes to corresponding input inside.


Simple form input

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Field name
value no - Field value
placeholder no - Field placeholder
class no - Additional class to render for field
type no - Field type attribute
disabled no - If field should be disabled
<form:input name="firstName" label="First Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>



Simple form textarea

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Field name
value no - Field value
placeholder no - Field placeholder
class no - Additional class to render for field
type no - Field type attribute
disabled no - If field should be disabled


Simple form select dropdown

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Field name
value no - Field value, note when used with 'multiple', should contain an array
values no - Select options, mapping values to labels
placeholder no - Field placeholder. Will be rendered as a separate option with empty value.
class no - Additional class to render for field
type no - Field type attribute
disabled no - If field should be disabled
        label="Select Something"
        values="{{ [1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Third'] }}"
        placeholder="Select Value"

label="Select Something"
values="{{ [1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Third'] }}"
placeholder="Select Value"
