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Cookbook - Domain Cores

You can invoke controller actions not only via routes but also from your services and other controllers (HMVC). Every controller action invocation made via Spiral\Core\CoreInterface. The CoreInterface or Domain Core provides the developer with the ability to alter the invocation flow and implement domain-specific functionality for controllers.

The package spiral/hmvc required for the domain cores. The web bundle includes this package by default.

Invoke Controller Action

Spiral controllers are clean classes built to be invoked from any dispatcher. The framework does not provide the direct coupling between controller and route. Such an approach makes it possible to invoke methods manually:

namespace App\Controller;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;

class HomeController
    public function index(CoreInterface $core): string
        return 'Index: ' . $core->callAction(HomeController::class, 'other', ['name' => 'Antony']);

    public function other(string $name): string
        return sprintf('Hello, %s', $name);

By default, CoreInterface implemented by Spiral\Core\Core class and only provides support for the method injection.

Core Interceptors

Use Spiral\Core\InterceptableCore and Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface to implement custom invoke logic:

namespace App\Interceptor;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;

class CustomInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function process(string $controller, string $action, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core)
        return 'intercepted: ' . $core->callAction($controller, $action, $parameters);

To use the interceptor create an instance of InterceptableCore:

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Interceptor\CustomInterceptor;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\Core\InterceptableCore;

class HomeController
    public function index(CoreInterface $core): string
        $customCore = new InterceptableCore($core);
        $customCore->addInterceptor(new CustomInterceptor());

        // intercepted: Hello, Antony
        return $customCore->callAction(HomeController::class, 'other', ['name' => 'Antony']);

    public function other(string $name): string
        return sprintf('Hello, %s', $name);

You can use interceptors to alter the target controller, action, or parameters. Multiple interceptors are possible as well.

Global Domain Core

By default, the CoreInterface only used to drive targets for framework routing. You can change the default target via Spiral\Core\CoreInterface binding:

namespace App\Bootloader;

use App\Interceptor\CustomInterceptor;
use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Core\Core;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\Core\InterceptableCore;

class CoreBootloader extends Bootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'core']

    private function core(Core $core): CoreInterface
        $customCore = new InterceptableCore($core);
        $customCore->addInterceptor(new CustomInterceptor());

        return $customCore;

Activate the Bootloader to make all route targets to be intercepted.

Route Specific Core

To activate the core for the specific route:

$customCore = new InterceptableCore($core);
$customCore->addInterceptor(new CustomInterceptor());

    new Route(
        (new Controller(HomeController::class))->withCore($customCore)

Domain Core Builder

The framework provides convenient Bootloader to configure core interceptors Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader automatically:

namespace App\Bootloader;

use App\Interceptor\CustomInterceptor;
use Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;

class AppBootloader extends DomainBootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'domainCore']

    protected const INTERCEPTORS = [

Use this Bootloader to configure the application behavior globally via the set of default interceptors.

Cycle Entity Resolution

Use Spiral\Domain\CycleInterceptor to automatically resolve entity injections based on parameter values:

      new Route(
          new Controller(HomeController::class)

To activate interceptor:

namespace App\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\Domain\CycleInterceptor;

class AppBootloader extends DomainBootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'domainCore']

    protected const INTERCEPTORS = [

You can use any cycle entity injection in your HomeController methods, the <id> parameter will be used as the primary key. If an entity can't be found the 404 exception will be thrown.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Database\User;

class HomeController
    public function index(User $user)

You must use named parameters if more than one entity expected:

      new Route(
          new Controller(HomeController::class)

The method arguments must be named as route parameters.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Database\User;
use App\Database\Post;

class HomeController
    public function index(User $user, User $author)

Filter Validation

You can automatically pre-validate Spiral\Filter\FilterInterface using Spiral\Domain\FilterInterceptor, the error will be returned in JSON form (extend FilterInterceptor to customize it).

namespace App\Request;

use Spiral\Filters\Filter;

class LoginRequest extends Filter
    public const SCHEMA = [
        'username' => 'query:username',
        'password' => 'query:password'

    public const VALIDATES = [
        'username' => ['notEmpty'],
        'password' => ['notEmpty']

Now, the LoginRequest object passed to controller method will always be valid:

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Request\LoginRequest;

class HomeController
    public function index(LoginRequest $request)

Use /home/index?username=n&password=p to pass the validation.

In case of the error, the following application/json payload will be sent to the client:

  "status": 400,
  "errors": {
    "username": "This value is required.",
    "password": "This value is required."

Guard Interceptor

Use Spiral\Domain\GuardInterceptor to implement RBAC pre-authorization logic (make sure to install and activate spiral/security).

namespace App\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\Domain\GuardInterceptor;
use Spiral\Security\Actor\Guest;
use Spiral\Security\PermissionsInterface;
use Spiral\Security\Rule;

class AppBootloader extends DomainBootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'domainCore']

    protected const INTERCEPTORS = [

    public function boot(PermissionsInterface $rbac): void
        $rbac->associate(Guest::ROLE, 'home.*', Rule\AllowRule::class);
        $rbac->associate(Guest::ROLE, 'home.other', Rule\ForbidRule::class);

You can use attributes to configure which permissions to apply for the controller action:

namespace App\Controller;

use Spiral\Domain\Annotation\Guarded;

class HomeController
    #[Guarded(permission: 'home.index')]
    public function index(): string
        return 'OK';

    #[Guarded(permission: 'home.other')]
    public function other(): string
        return 'OK';

To specify the fallback action when permission is not checked use else attribute of Guarded:

#[Guarded(permission: 'home.other', else: 'notFound')]
public function other(): string
    return 'OK';

Allowed values: notFound (404), forbidden (401), error (500), badAction (400).

Use the attribute Spiral\Domain\Annotation\GuardNamespace to specify controller RBAC namespace and remove the prefix from every action. You can also skip the permission definition in Guarded when a namespace is specified (security component will use namespace.methodName as permission name).

namespace App\Controller;

use Spiral\Domain\Annotation\Guarded;
use Spiral\Domain\Annotation\GuardNamespace;

#[GuardNamespace(namespace: 'home')]
class HomeController
    public function index(): string
        return 'OK';

    #[Guarded(else: 'notFound')]
    public function other(): string
        return 'OK';

Rule Context

You can use all method parameters as rule context, for example, we can create a rule:

namespace App\Security;

use Spiral\Security\ActorInterface;
use Spiral\Security\RuleInterface;

class SampleRule implements RuleInterface
    public function allows(ActorInterface $actor, string $permission, array $context): bool
        return $context['user']->getID() !== 1;

To activate the rule:

namespace App\Bootloader;

use App\Security\SampleRule;
use Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\Domain\CycleInterceptor;
use Spiral\Domain\GuardInterceptor;
use Spiral\Security\Actor\Guest;
use Spiral\Security\PermissionsInterface;
use Spiral\Security\Rule;

class AppBootloader extends DomainBootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'domainCore']

    protected const INTERCEPTORS = [

    public function boot(PermissionsInterface $rbac): void
        $rbac->associate(Guest::ROLE, 'home.*', SampleRule::class);
        $rbac->associate(Guest::ROLE, 'home.other', Rule\ForbidRule::class);

Make sure that route includes <id> or <user> parameter.

And modify the method:

public function index(User $user): string
    return 'OK';

The method would not allow invoking the method with user id 1.

Make sure to enable CycleInterceptor before GuardInterceptor in domain core.

DataGrid Interceptor

You can automatically apply datagrid specifications to an iterable output using DataGrid attribute and GridInterceptor. This interceptor is called after the endpoint invocation because it uses the output.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Repository\UserRepository;
use App\View\Keeper\UserGrid;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Annotation\DataGrid;
use Spiral\Router\Annotation\Route;

class UsersController
    #[Route(route: '/users', name: 'users')]
    #[DataGrid(grid: UserGrid::class)]
    public function list(UserRepository $userRepository): iterable
        return $userRepository->select();

grid property should refer to a GridSchema class with specifications declared in the constructor.

namespace App\View;

use Spiral\DataGrid\GridSchema;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Specification\Filter;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Specification\Pagination\PagePaginator;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Specification\Sorter;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Specification\Value;

class UserGrid extends GridSchema
    public function __construct()
        $this->addSorter('email', new Sorter\Sorter('email'));
        $this->addSorter('name', new Sorter\Sorter('name'));
        $this->addFilter('status', new Filter\Equals('status', new Value\EnumValue(new Value\StringValue(), 'active', 'disabled')));
        $this->setPaginator(new PagePaginator(20, [10, 20, 50, 100]));

Optionally, you can specify view property to point to a callable presenter for every record. Without specifying it GridInterceptor will call __invoke in the declared grid.

namespace App\View;

use Spiral\DataGrid\GridSchema;
use App\Database\User;

class UserGrid extends GridSchema
    public function __invoke(User $user): array
        return [
            'id'     => $user->id,
            'name'   => $user->name,
            'email'  => $user->email,
            'status' => $user->status

You can specify grid defaults (such as default sorting, filtering, pagination) via defaults property or using getDefaults() method in your grid:

    grid: UserGrid::class,
    defaults: [
        'sort' => ['name' => 'desc'],
        'filter' => ['status' => 'active'],
        'paginate' => ['limit' => 50, 'page' => 10]

By default, grid output will look like this:

  "status": 200,
  "data": [

You can rename data property or pass the exact status code options or getOptions() method in the grid:

#[DataGrid(grid: UserGrid::class, options: ['status' => 201, 'property' => 'users'])]
  "status": 201,
  "users": [

GridInterceptor will create a GridFactoryInterface instance to wrap given iterable source with the declared grid schema. GridFactory is used by default, but if you need more complicated logic, such as using a custom counter or specifications utilization, you can declare your own factory in the annotation:

#[DataGrid(grid: UserGrid::class, factory: InheritedFactory::class)]

Pipeline Interceptor

This interceptor allows customising endpoint interceptors using @Pipeline annotation. When declared in the domain core interceptors list, this interceptor injects the specified annotated interceptors on the position where the PipelineInterceptor is declared.

namespace App\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Interceptor\GridInterceptor;
use Spiral\Domain;

class AppBootloader extends DomainBootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'domainCore']

    protected const INTERCEPTORS = [
        Domain\PipelineInterceptor::class, //all annotated interceptors go here

Pipeline attribute allows skipping the subsequent interceptors:

    #[Pipeline(pipeline: [OtherInterceptor::class], skipNext: true)]
    public function action(): string

Using the prev bootloader we will get the next interceptors list:

  • Domain\CycleInterceptor
  • OtherInterceptor

All interceptors after PipelineInterceptor will be omitted.

Use cases

For example, it can be helpful when an endpoint should not apply any interceptor or not all of them are required currently:

    #[Route(route: '/show/<user:int>/email/<email:int>', name: 'emails')]
    #[Pipeline(pipeline: [CycleInterceptor::class, GuardInterceptor::class], skipNext: true)]
    public function email(User $user, Email $email, EmailFilter $filter): string
        $filter->setContext(compact('user', 'email'));
        if (!$filter->isValid()) {
            throw new ForbiddenException('Email doesn\'t belong to a user.');

FilterInterceptor should not be applied here because of a complicated context, so we set it manually and call a custom isValid() check. Also, GridInterceptor is redundant here.

To have the full control over the interceptors list you need to specify PipelineInterceptor as the first one.

All Together

Use all interceptors together to implement rich domain logic and secure controller actions:

use Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\DataGrid\Interceptor\GridInterceptor;
use Spiral\Domain;

class AppBootloader extends DomainBootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        CoreInterface::class => [self::class, 'domainCore']

    protected const INTERCEPTORS = [