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v2.14 – outdated
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Most of the application code can be generated using the set of console commands.


To install the extension:

composer require spiral/scaffolder

Please note that the spiral/framework >= 2.7 already includes this component.

Make sure to add Spiral\Scaffolder\Bootloader\ScaffolderBootloader to your App class:

use Spiral\Scaffolder\Bootloader\ScaffolderBootloader;

class App extends Kernel
    // ...

    protected const APP = [
        // ...

Attention, the extension will invoke TokenizerConfig, make sure to add it at the end of the bootload chain.


You can customize the scaffolder component by replacing declaration generators and their options using the scaffolder configuration file. The default configuration located in the ScaffolderBootloader .

Adding custom declarations via ScaffolderBootloader

Some components can provide their own declarations to create elements using the Scaffolder. Such components can register their custom declarations with the ScaffolderBootloader:

namespace App\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Scaffolder\Bootloader\ScaffolderBootloader as BaseScaffolderBootloader;

class ScaffolderBootloader extends Bootloader
    public const DEPENDENCIES = [

    public function boot(BaseScaffolderBootloader $scaffolder): void
        $scaffolder->addDeclaration('declarationName', [
            'namespace' => 'Namespace',
            'postfix'   => '', // like a Repository, Controller, etc
            'class'     => MyDeclaration::class, // declaration class
            'options'   => [
                // some custom options

Available Commands

Command Description
create:bootloader Create Bootloader declaration
create:command Create Command declaration
create:config Create Config declaration
create:controller Create Controller declaration
create:filter Create HTTP Request Filter declaration
create:jobHandler Create Job Handler declaration
create:middleware Create Middleware declaration
create:migration Create Migration declaration
create:repository Create Entity Repository declaration
create:entity Create Entity declaration


php app.php create:bootloader <name>

<Name>Bootloader class will be created.


php app.php create:bootloader my

Output is:

use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;

class MyBootloader extends Bootloader
    protected const BINDINGS = [];

    protected const SINGLETONS = [];

    protected const DEPENDENCIES = [];

    public function boot(): void


php app.php create:command <name> [alias]

<Name>Command class will be created. Command name will be equal to name or alias (if this value set).

Example without alias

php app.php create:command my

Output is:

use Spiral\Console\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
    protected const NAME = 'my';

    protected const DESCRIPTION = '';

    protected const ARGUMENTS = [];

    protected const OPTIONS = [];

     * Perform command
    protected function perform(): void

Example with alias

php app.php create:command my alias

Output is:

use Spiral\Console\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
    protected const NAME = 'alias';

    protected const DESCRIPTION = '';

    protected const ARGUMENTS = [];

    protected const OPTIONS = [];

     * Perform command
    protected function perform(): void


php app.php create:config <name>

<Name>Config class will be created. Also, <app directory>/config/<name>.php file will be created if it doesn't exist.

Available options:

reverse (r) - Using this flag, scaffolder will look for <app directory>/config/<name>.php file and create a rich <Name>Config class based on the given config file. The class will include default values and getters; in some cases, it will also include by-key-getters for array values.

Details below: If an array-value consists of more than one sub-values with the same types for keys and sub-values, scaffolder will try to create a by-key-getter method. If a generated key is conflicting with an existing method, by-key-getter will be omitted.

Example with empty config file

php app.php create:config my

Output config file:

return [];

Output config class:

use Spiral\Core\InjectableConfig;

class MyConfig extends InjectableConfig
    public const CONFIG = 'my';

     * @internal For internal usage. Will be hydrated in the constructor.
    protected $config = [];

Example with reversing

//...existing "my.php" config file:
return [
    //will create "getParam()" by-key-getter (successfully singularized name)
    'params'      => [
        'one' => 'param',
        'two' => 'another param',
    //will create "getParameterBy()" by-key-getter (unsuccessfully singularized name)
    'parameter'   => [
        'one' => 'parameter',
        'two' => 'another parameter',
    //will create "getValueBy()" by-key-getter (because "getValue()" conflicts with the next "value" field)
    'values'      => [
        1 => 'value',
        2 => 'another value',
    'value'       => 'third value',
    //won't create by-key-getter due to only 1 sub-value
    'few'        => [
        'one' => 'value',
    //won't create by-key-getter due to mixed values' types
    'mixedValues' => [
        'one' => 'value',
        'two' => 2,
    //won't create by-key-getter due to mixed keys' types
    'mixedKeys'   => [
        'one' => 'value',
        2     => 'another value',
    //won't create by-key-getter to name conflicts
    //(because "getConflict()" and "getConflictBy()" conflicts with the next "conflict" and "conflictBy" fields)
    'conflicts'   => [
        'one' => 'conflict',
        'two' => 'another conflict',
    'conflict'    => 'third conflic',
    'conflictBy'  => 'fourth conflic',
php app.php create:config my -r

Output is:

use Spiral\Core\InjectableConfig;

class MyConfig extends InjectableConfig
    public const CONFIG = 'my';

     * @internal For internal usage. Will be hydrated in the constructor.
    protected $config = [
        'params'      => [],
        'parameter'   => [],
        'values'      => [],
        'value'       => '',
        'few'         => [],
        'mixedValues' => [],
        'mixedKeys'   => [],
        'conflicts'   => [],
        'conflict'    => '',
        'conflictBy'  => ''

    /** @return string[] */
    public function getParams(): array
        return $this->config['params'];

    /** @return string[] */
    public function getParameter(): array
        return $this->config['parameter'];

    /** @return string[] */
    public function getValues(): array
        return $this->config['values'];

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->config['value'];

    /** @return string[] */
    public function getFew(): array
        return $this->config['few'];

    public function getMixedValues(): array
        return $this->config['mixedValues'];

    /** @return string[] */
    public function getMixedKeys(): array
        return $this->config['mixedKeys'];

    /** @return string[] */
    public function getConflicts(): array
        return $this->config['conflicts'];

    public function getConflict(): string
        return $this->config['conflict'];

    public function getConflictBy(): string
        return $this->config['conflictBy'];

    public function getParam(string $param): string
        return $this->config['params'][$param];

    public function getParameterBy(string $parameter): string
        return $this->config['parameter'][$parameter];

    public function getValueBy(int $value): string
        return $this->config['values'][$value];


php app.php create:controller <name>

<Name>Controller class will be created. Available options:

  • action (a) (multiple values allowed) - you can add actions using this option
  • prototype (p) - if set, PrototypeTrait will be added

Example with empty actions list

php app.php create:controller my

Output is:

class MyController

Example with prototype option

php app.php create:controller my -p

Output is:

use Spiral\Prototype\Traits\PrototypeTrait;

class MyController
    use PrototypeTrait;

Example with actions list

php app.php create:controller my \
      -a index \
      -a create \
      -a update \
      -a delete

Output is:

class MyController
    public function index()

    public function create()

    public function update()

    public function delete()

HTTP Request Filter

php app.php create:filter <name>

<Name>Filter class will be created. Available options:

  • entity (e) - you can pass an EntityClass and the filter command will fetch the all the given

class properties into the filter and try to define each property's type based on its type declaration (if php74), default value or a PhpDoc. Otherwise you can optionally specify filter schema using field option.

  • field (f) (multiple values allowed).

Full field format is name:type(source:origin). Where type, origin and source:origin are optional and can be omitted, defaults are:

  • type=string
  • source={data}


See more about filters in filters package

Example with empty fields definition

php app.php create:filter my

Output is:

use Spiral\Filters\Filter;

class MyFilter extends Filter
    protected const SCHEMA = [];

    protected const VALIDATES = [];

    protected const SETTERS = [];

Example with fields definition:

php app.php create:filter my \ 
    -f unknown_val \
    -f str_val:string \
    -f int_val:int \
    -f bool_val:bool(query:from_bool) \
    -f float_val:float(query)

Output is:

use Spiral\Filters\Filter;

class MyFilter extends Filter
    protected const SCHEMA = [
        'unknown_val' => 'data:unknown_val',
        'str_val'     => 'data:str_val',
        'int_val'     => 'data:int_val',
        'bool_val'    => 'query:from_bool',
        'float_val'   => 'query:float_val'

    protected const VALIDATES = [
        'unknown_val' => [
        'str_val'     => [
        'int_val'     => [
        'bool_val'    => [
        'float_val'   => [

    protected const SETTERS = [];

Example with entity sourcing

//...existing "MyEntity" class:
class MyEntity
    protected bool $typedBool;

    public $noTypeString;

    /** @var SomeOtherEntity */
    public $obj;

    /** @var int */
    protected $intFromPhpDoc;

    private $noTypeWithFloatDefault = 1.1;
php app.php create:filter my -e MyEntity

Output is:

use Spiral\Filters\Filter;

class MyFilter extends Filter
    protected const SCHEMA = [
        'typedBool'              => 'data:typedBool',
        'noTypeString'           => 'data:noTypeString',
        'obj'                    => 'data:obj',
        'intFromPhpDoc'          => 'data:intFromPhpDoc',
        'noTypeWithFloatDefault' => 'data:noTypeWithFloatDefault'

    protected const VALIDATES = [
        'typedBool'              => [
        'noTypeString'           => [
        'obj'                    => [
        'intFromPhpDoc'          => [
        'noTypeWithFloatDefault' => [

    protected const SETTERS = [];

Job Handler

php app.php create:jobHandler <name>

<Name>Job class will be created.


php app.php create:jobHandler my

Output is:

use Spiral\Jobs\JobHandler;

class MyJob extends JobHandler
    public function invoke(): void


php app.php create:middleware <name>

<Name> class will be created.


php app.php create:middleware my

Output is:

use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;

class My implements MiddlewareInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function process(Request $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): Response
        return $handler->handle($request);


php app.php create:migration <name>

<Name>Migration class will be created. Available options:

  • table (t) for table name
  • field (f) (multiple values allowed) for a field(s) definition. Will work only with table option. Field format is name:type.

See more about migrations in migrations package


php app.php create:migration my

Output is:

use Spiral\Migrations\Migration;

class MyMigration extends Migration
     * Create tables, add columns or insert data here
    public function up(): void

     * Drop created, columns and etc here
    public function down(): void

Example with options

php app.php create:migration my -t my_table -c int_col:int

Output is:

use Spiral\Migrations\Migration;

class MyMigration extends Migration
     * Create tables, add columns or insert data here
    public function up(): void
            ->addColumn('int_col', 'int')

     * Drop created, columns and etc here
    public function down(): void


php app.php create:repository <name>

<Name>Repository class will be created.


php app.php create:repository my

Output is:

use Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository;

class MyRepository extends Repository

ORM Entity

php app.php create:entity <name> [<format>]

<Name>Entity class will be created. format is responsible for the declaration format. Currently, only annotations format supported.

Available options:

  • role (r) - Entity role, defaults to lowercase class name without a namespace
  • mapper (m) - Mapper class name, defaults to Cycle\ORM\Mapper\Mapper
  • table (t) - Entity source table, defaults to plural form of entity role
  • accessibility (a) - accessibility accessor (public, protected, private), defaults to public
  • inflection (i) - Optional column name inflection, allowed values: tableize (or t), camelize (or c). See Doctrine inflector
  • field (f) - Add field in a format "name:type" (multiple values allowed)
  • repository (e) - Repository class to represent read operations for an entity, defaults to Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository
  • database (d) - Database name, defaults to null (default database)


php app.php create:entity my

Output is:

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

 * @Cycle\Entity()
class My

It's recommended to replace the generated Entity annotation with an attribute

Example with public accessibility

php app.php create:entity my -f field:string

Output is:

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

 * @Cycle\Entity()
class My
     * @Cycle\Column(type = "string")
    public $field;

Example with protected/private accessibility

php app.php create:entity my \
    -f field:string \
    -a protected

Output is:


use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

 * @Cycle\Entity()
class My
     * @Cycle\Column(type = "string")
    protected $field;

    public function setField(string $value)
        $this->field = $value;

    public function getField()
        return $this->field;

Example with tableize inflection

php app.php create:entity my \
    -f int_field:int \
    -f stringField:string \
    -i t

Output is:

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

 * @Cycle\Entity()
class My
     * @Cycle\Column(type = "int")
    public $int_field;

     * @Cycle\Column(type = "string", name = "string_field")
    public $stringField;

Example with camelize inflection

php app.php create:entity my \
    -f int_field:int \
    -f stringField:string \
    -i c

Output is:

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

 * @Cycle\Entity()
class My
     * @Cycle\Column(type = "int", name = "intField")
    public $int_field;

     * @Cycle\Column(type = "string")
    public $stringField;

Example with other options

php app.php create:entity my \
    -r myRole \
    -m MyMapper \
    -t my_table \
    -d my_db \

Output is:

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;

 * @Cycle\Entity(role = "myRole", mapper = "MyMapper", repository = "my", table = "my_table", database = "my_db")
class My

And the repository class is also created:

use Cycle\ORM\Select\Repository;

class MyRepository extends Repository