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UI component for DataGrids provide UI component for DataGrids

They are located in keeper bundle, that can be included like so:

<use:bundle path="keeper:bundle"/>

See Usage Samples in demo repository

Using Component

Simple data grid declaration would look like so


<ui:grid url="@action('users.list', inject('params', []))" namespace="main">
    <grid:cell.text name="id" label="#"/>
    <grid:cell.text name="firstName" label="First Name"/>
    <grid:cell.text name="lastName" label="Last Name"/>

DataGrids are described in declarative way. Code is not iterated in php/stempler phase, but later in JavaScript phase, meaning you can't use php conditions for cell renders inside declarations. If you need conditional renderer for cell, you are expected to write one in JavaScript.

Columns should be defined prioritizing semantics over column names. Typically most columns would match a sort key. For example if you have data row with first and last name and user, you might want to have a column name with firstName and lastName joined.


< name="name" label="Name" url="@action('users.edit', ['user' => '{id}'])" sort="true">

Wrapper (ui:grid)




Parameter Required Default Description
url yes - Url that implements DataGrid API
method no GET Http method to use, GET or POST
id no [auto generated] Id of datagrid to use
namespace no [empty] Prefix for field names that is used in datagrid filters serialization. Used when multiple datagrids present on page. I.e. if namespace="foo" filter value bar=1 will end up as "foo-bar=1" in URL. It's developer responsibility to use namespaces if multiple datagrids present on page. Otherwise behavior is unpredictable.
capture-forms no [empty] JSON array of strings. Attaches forms by their ids to datagrid as filter fields source. Can be used for filters that are visually separated from datagrids, i.e. in nav panel or sidebar. Is used internally to attach filter defined with <ui:filter>
capture-filters no [empty] JSON array of strings. Attaches instances of filter toggle buttons.
paginate-options no [empty] JSON array of numbers. Options for default paginator.
action-* no [as in sample] Set of parameters used to generate Actions button and corresponding column.

Limitation: All filter forms should produce a flat object map without files. Nesting and/or arrays are not supported at the moment.

Filters (grid:filter)

grid:filter component attaches filter and/or search forms directly to grid. Internally it works with 'capture-forms' parameter that technically allows to attach any number of forms to datagrid.

<ui:grid url="@action('users.list', inject('params', []))" namespace="main">
    <grid:filter search="true" immediate="300" buttons="true">
        <form:input name="firstName" label="First Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>
        <form:input name="lastName" label="Last Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>
        <form:input name="email" label="Email" value="" required="true"/>
Parameter Required Default Description
search no false Render a search input in top right corner
search-name no "search" Name of search field
fields no - JSON array of strings. If you wish filter button to correctly indicate number of active filters, list all form fields names as a JSON array of strings. For example for example above that would be fields="['firstName','lastName','email']". If not specified filter button not indicate if filter values are active.
refresh no false Render a refresh button to trigger data refresh.
immediate no - If specified, search input will have no "Submit" button and search will be performed as user types with debounce value equivalent to this param value in milliseconds.
[tag body] no - Insides of tag is used as an additional filter form shown in modal window if specified
buttons no false If specified as true will append default "Clear" and "Apply" buttons to tag body

Note filter form is a separate form to "search input" form and it's reset button has only effect on filter form.

Only Search

<ui:grid url="@action('users.list', inject('params', []))" namespace="main">
    <grid:filter search="true"/>

Search Only

Search And Modal

<ui:grid url="@action('users.list', inject('params', []))" namespace="main">
    <grid:filter search="true" immediate="300" buttons="true">
        <form:input name="firstName" label="First Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>
        <form:input name="lastName" label="Last Name" value="" size="6" required="true"/>
        <form:input name="email" label="Email" value="" required="true"/>

Search And Modal

Cell Types

Lot of cells allow to use templates using row fields as variables.

Template system used is handlebars templates. Typically field accepting templates have pre-processors that convert { to {{, so if you want to output something like {{firstName}} {{lastName}} you pass it in as {firstName} {lastName}

Text (grid:text)

        label="User Name"

Directly outputs field in cell

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Semantic column name matching field from server data.
label yes - Column label
sort no - Enables sorting for a column
sort-default no - Supply "true" to make this column a defaultly sorted column. Only one column should have this.
sort-dir no 'asc' Default sort direction, 'asc' or 'desc'

Link (grid:link)

        title="Edit User {firstName}"

Outputs a link

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Semantic column name matching field from server data. Should match sorter name if sort is used. Content is field itself as default, but can be customized with 'body' parameter to output other field.
label yes - Column label
href yes - Template to use for link url
title no - Template to use for link title text
body no - Template to use for link body. Instead of specifying 'body' attribute, can also use tag body instead
sort no - Enables sorting for a column
sort-default no - Supply "true" to make this column a defaultly sorted column. Only one column should have this.
sort-dir no 'asc' Default sort direction, 'asc' or 'desc'

Date (grid:date)

        label="Created At"
        format="LLL dd, yyyy HH:mm"

Outputs a date

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Semantic column name matching field from server data. Accepts ISO dates with timezone.
label yes - Column label
format no LLL dd, yyyy HH:mm Date format. See Luxon docs for available tokens
sort no - Enables sorting for a column
sort-default no - Supply "true" to make this column a defaultly sorted column. Only one column should have this.
sort-dir no 'asc' Default sort direction, 'asc' or 'desc'


Separate kind of tags provided are action tags. Using any of them adds 'actions' column with button with actions dropdown. Each actions tag appends an action to that dropdown.

To customize look of the button, use action-* parameters of ui:grid


Actions: Link

        title="Edit {firstName}"

Outputs a link

Parameter Required Default Description
href yes - Template to use for link url
title no - Template to use for link title text
target no _self Specify link target
template no - Template to use for link body. Instead of specifying 'template' attribute, can also use tag body instead.
label no - Text to use for link text if template param is not used. Supports templates if passed as unescaped value, i.e. label = "{!! '{{variable}}' !!}"
icon no - Name to use for link icon if template param is not used. Uses Font Awesome icons. Supports templates if passed as unescaped value, i.e. icon = "{!! '{{variable}}' !!}"

Actions: Action

        title="Edit {firstName}"
        data="{ foo: 1}"

Makes a request to server

Parameter Required Default Description
href yes - Template to use for action url
method no GET Method name to use
title no - Template to use for action title text
template no - Template to use for link body. Instead of specifying 'template' attribute, can also use tag body instead.
label no - Text to use for link text if template param is not used. Supports templates if passed as unescaped value, i.e. label = "{!! '{{variable}}' !!}"
icon no - Name to use for link icon if template param is not used. Uses Font Awesome icons. Supports templates if passed as unescaped value, i.e. icon = "{!! '{{variable}}' !!}"
body no - JSON String to attach as request body. Supports templates if passed as unescaped value, i.e. data = "{!! '{ "id": {{variable}} }' !!}"
refresh no - boolean value indicating if success response from server should trigger datagrid refresh
condition no - Field name that contains boolean variable indicating if that action should be shown. Alternatively can be a handlebars template that should return '' for false value or anything else for positive value in case more complex logic is needed.
toastError no - Template for toast message to show on action error
toastSuccess no - Template for toast message to show on action success
confirm no - If specified, specify confirm-title, confirm-ok and confirm-cancel. Will show a confirm dialog before executing an action. confirm specifies handlebars template for confirm dialog body
confirm-title no - specifies handlebars template for confirm dialog title
confirm-ok no - specifies handlebars template for confirm dialog positive result button text
confirm-cancel no - specifies handlebars template for confirm dialog negative result button text

Actions: Delete


Same as 'grid:action' but with confirm texts pre-defined beforehand and having danger class. Typically only href is needed for that action type

Template (grid:template)

        label="User Name"
        body="<i class='fa fa-user'></i> {firstName} {lastName}"

Outputs custom template

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Semantic column name matching field from server data.. Should match sorter name if sort is used. Content is field itself as default, but can be customized with 'body' parameter to output other field.
label yes - Column label
body no - Template to use for body. Instead of specifying 'body' attribute, can also use tag body instead
sort no - Enables sorting for a column
sort-default no - Supply "true" to make this column a defaultly sorted column. Only one column should have this.
sort-dir no 'asc' Default sort direction, 'asc' or 'desc'

Fully Custom Render (grid:render)


Uses custom function to render cell

Parameter Required Default Description
name yes - Semantic column name matching field from server data.. Should match sorter name if sort is used. Content is field itself as default, but can be customized with 'renderer' parameter to output other field.
label yes - Column label
renderer no - Name of pre-registered function that is able to render a cell
sort no - Enables sorting for a column
sort-default no - Supply "true" to make this column a defaultly sorted column. Only one column should have this.
sort-dir no 'asc' Default sort direction, 'asc' or 'desc'

To define custom function for datagrid, add script tag before toolkit declarations. If you are seeing 'renderer not found' error, most likely you've outputted renderer too late in code.

<stack:push name="scripts" unique-id="datagrid-roles-renderer">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.SFToolkit_tools_datagrid = window.SFToolkit_tools_datagrid || {};
        window.SFToolkit_tools_datagrid['roles'] = function () {
            return function (roles) {
                return (role) {
                    return '<span class="badge badge-primary mr-1">' + role.toUpperCase() + '</span>'

Function returned by render function should be CellRenderFunction and it accepts lot of useful params allowing to customize render in really flexible way.

Advanced Usage

DataGrid is based on JavaScript library and can be initialized with JavaScript

JavaScript declaration allows to use most of flexibility, i.e. you can have multiple actions columns, batch actions and selections, custom renderers directly in code without a need to pre-define them.

See DataGrid Source Code for more details.

Custom Custom

<div class="sf-table">
    <div class="js-sf-datagrid">
        <script type="text/javascript" role="sf-options">
            (function () {
                return {
                    "id": "custom",
                    "url": "/keeper/users/list",
                    "namespace": "custom",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "ui": {
                        "headerCellClassName": {"actions": "text-right"},
                        "cellClassName": {"actions": "text-right py-2", "created": "text-nowrap"}
                    "paginator": {"limitOptions": [10, 20, 50, 100]},
                    "sort": "created",
                    "columns": [{"id": "name", "title": "Name", "sortDir": "asc"}, {"id": "actions2", "title": " "}, {
                        "id": "email",
                        "title": "Email",
                        "sortDir": "asc"
                    }, {"id": "created", "title": "Created At", "sortDir": "desc"}, {
                        "id": "roles",
                        "title": "Roles",
                        "sortDir": null
                    }, {"id": "id", "title": "ID", "sortDir": null}, {"id": "actions", "title": " "}],
                    "selectable": {
                        "type": "multiple",
                        "id": "id"
                    "renderers": {
                        "cells": {
                            "name": {
                                "name": "link",
                                "arguments": {
                                    "title": "",
                                    "body": "{{firstName}}&nbsp;{{lastName}}",
                                    "href": "\/keeper\/users\/{{id}}"
                            "email": {
                                "name": "link",
                                "arguments": {"title": "", "body": "{{email}}", "href": "mailto:{{email}}"}
                            "created": {"name": "dateFormat", "arguments": ["LLL dd, yyyy HH:mm"]},
                            "roles": {"name": "roles", "arguments": []},
                            "id": {"name": "template", "arguments": ["{{id}}"]},
                            "actions": {
                                "name": "actions",
                                "arguments": {
                                    "kind": "",
                                    "size": "sm",
                                    "className": "",
                                    "icon": "cog",
                                    "label": "Actions",
                                    "actions": [{
                                        "type": "href",
                                        "url": "\/keeper\/users\/{{id}}",
                                        "label": "Edit",
                                        "target": null,
                                        "icon": "edit",
                                        "template": ""
                                    }, {
                                        "type": "action",
                                        "url": "\/keeper\/users\/{{id}}",
                                        "method": "DELETE",
                                        "label": "Delete",
                                        "icon": "trash",
                                        "template": "<span class=\"text-danger\"><i class=\"fa fw fa-trash\"><\/i>&nbsp;&nbsp; Delete<\/span>",
                                        "condition": null,
                                        "data": [],
                                        "refresh": true,
                                        "confirm": {
                                            "body": "Are you sure to delete this entry?",
                                            "title": "Confirmation Required",
                                            "confirm": "Delete",
                                            "confirmKind": "danger",
                                            "cancel": "Cancel"
                                        "toastSuccess": "<i class=\"fa fa-check-circle\"><\/i>&nbsp; {{message}}\n              ",
                                        "toastError": "<i class=\"fa fa-exclamation\"><\/i>&nbsp; {{error}}\n              "
                            "actions2": {
                                "name": "actions",
                                "arguments": {
                                    "kind": "",
                                    "size": "sm",
                                    "className": "",
                                    "icon": "cog",
                                    "label": "Actions 2",
                                    "actions": [{
                                        "type": "href",
                                        "url": "\/keeper\/users\/{{id}}",
                                        "label": "Edit",
                                        "target": null,
                                        "icon": "edit",
                                        "template": ""
                                    }, {
                                        "type": "action",
                                        "url": "\/keeper\/users\/{{id}}",
                                        "method": "DELETE",
                                        "label": "Delete",
                                        "icon": "trash",
                                        "template": "<span class=\"text-danger\"><i class=\"fa fw fa-trash\"><\/i>&nbsp;&nbsp; Delete<\/span>",
                                        "condition": null,
                                        "data": [],
                                        "refresh": true,
                                        "confirm": {
                                            "body": "Are you sure to delete this entry?",
                                            "title": "Confirmation Required",
                                            "confirm": "Delete",
                                            "confirmKind": "danger",
                                            "cancel": "Cancel"
                                        "toastSuccess": "<i class=\"fa fa-check-circle\"><\/i>&nbsp; {{message}}\n              ",
                                        "toastError": "<i class=\"fa fa-exclamation\"><\/i>&nbsp; {{error}}\n              "
                        "actions": {
                            "delete": {
                                renderAs: "<div class='btn btn-danger'>Delete</div>",
                                onClick: function (state, grid) {
                                    console.log(state, grid);