Revision: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:23:32 GMT
v1.0 – outdated
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Twig Views

The Spiral application bundle includes Twig rendering engine by default.


You can skip extension when no view conflicts are expected and/or use default namespace notation:


Twig engine follows same cache settings as other engines, see views config.


TwigEngine defined in views config:

'twig'   => [
    'class'      => Engines\TwigEngine::class,
    'extension'  => 'twig',
    'options'    => [
        'auto_reload' => true

    * Modifiers applied to imported or extended view source before it's getting parsed by
    * HtmlTemplater, every modifier has to implement ModifierInterface and as result view
    * name, namespace and filename are available for it. Modifiers is the best to connect
    * custom syntax processors (for example Laravel's Blade).
    'modifiers'  => [
        //Automatically replaces [[string]] with their translations

        //Mounts view environment variables using @{name} pattern.


    * Here you define list of extensions to be mounted into twig engine, every extension
    * class will be resolved using container so you can use constructor dependencies.
    'extensions' => [
        //Provides access to dump() and spiral() functions inside twig templates

Use options array to pass values into Twig_Environment. View translation using [[]] and environment values @{name} are allowed in twig templates due to TranslateProcessor and EnvironmentProcessor.

Twig Extension

Use extensions section or twig config to define Twig_Extension list (resolved via container).

Default SpiralExtension extension provides access to IoC scope and spiral function:

    window.csrfToken = "{{ spiral('request').getAttribute('csrfToken') }}";

dump function is available as well.

Direct Access

Access twig directly in your code and bootloaders:

$this->views->engine('twig')->getTwig(); //Twig_Environment