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Application startup

To better understand how spiral application started check file located in webroot/index.php:

 * Spiral Framework
 * @author    Anton Titov (Wolfy-J)
define('SPIRAL_INITIAL_TIME', microtime(true));

//No comments

//Error reporting
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', false);

//Root directory
$root = dirname(__DIR__) . '/';

require $root . 'vendor/autoload.php';

//Forcing work directory

//Initiating shared container, bindings, directories and etc
$application = App::init([
    'root'        => $root,
    'runtime'     => $root . 'runtime/',
    'libraries'   => $root . 'vendor/',
    'application' => $root . 'app/',
    //other directories calculated based on default pattern, @see Core::__constructor()

//Let's start!

First of all we define helper constant 'SPIRAL_INITIAL_TIME' which is used by spiral Profiler module to correctly display application profiling timeline.

define('SPIRAL_INITIAL_TIME', microtime(true));

Secondly spiral will force internal encoding to UTF-8, due spiral support multiple languages and databases this is required step.


Now we can include Composer loader which will help us to load any required component:

require $root . 'vendor/autoload.php';

Due spiral application requires few directory names to be defined, we can use current project root (__DIR__) to define our primary directory and make sure this is our working directory.

//Root directory
$root = dirname(__DIR__) . '/';


//Forcing work directory

The last, but the most important step is toinitiatee spiral application and it's shared container required for helper traits and sugar functionality.

All of this operations are located in Core::init method, which requires only base list of directories to work (root, libraries and application).

What is happening in Core init method

The application bootloading is located inside App::init method:

public static function init(
    array $directories,
    EnvironmentInterface $environment = null,
    InteropContainer $container = null,
    bool $handleErrors = true
): self {
    //Spiral requires specific DI layer, you can fully overwrite it by providing
    //\Spiral\Core\ContainerInterface or rewrite it partially by using outer Interop compatible
    //for dependency management (applied to get(), has() rules and argument resolution).
    $container = $container instanceof ContainerInterface
        ? $container
        : new SpiralContainer($container);

    //Spiral core interface, @see SpiralContainer (still needed?)
    $container->bindSingleton(ContainerInterface::class, $container);

    /** @var Core $core */
    $core = new static($directories, $container);

    //Core binding
    $container->bindSingleton(self::class, $core);
    $container->bindSingleton(static::class, $core);

    //Core shared interfaces
    $container->bindSingleton(CoreInterface::class, $core);
    $container->bindSingleton(DirectoriesInterface::class, $core);

    //Core shared components
    $container->bindSingleton(BootloadManager::class, $core->bootloader);
    $container->bindSingleton(MemoryInterface::class, $core->memory);

    //Application environment (by default - dotenv extension, applied to all env() functions!)
    if (empty($environment)) {
        $environment = new DotenvEnvironment(
            $core->directory('root') . '.env',


    //Config factory to intercept all configuration file loading
        $container->make(ConfigFactory::class, [
            'directory' => $core->directory('config')

    if ($handleErrors) {
        //Do not enabled in tests
        register_shutdown_function([$core, 'handleShutdown']);
        set_error_handler([$core, 'handleError']);
        set_exception_handler([$core, 'handleException']);

    $scope = self::staticContainer($container);
    try {
        //Bootloading our application in a defined GLOBAL container scope
    } finally {

    return $core;

What is happening in Core start method

When you start your App it will automatically resolve valid instance of DispatcherInterface to be used for this environment, for example in CLI mode spiral will construct ConsoleDispatcher, in web HttpDispatcher.

Let's look into start method closely:

public function start(DispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null)
    $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher ?? $this->createDispatcher();

As you can see you are able to provide your own instance of DispatcherInterface into start method and define our own flow, in other scenario spiral will create dispatcher based on SAPI.

We can now try to "simplify" index.php file to reflect what will happen in web environment:

$app = App::init([
    'root'        => $root,
    'libraries'   => $root . 'vendor/',
    'application' => $root . 'app/',
    //other directories calculated based on default pattern, @see Core::__constructor()

//Let's start!

Accessing http dispatcher directly can be valuable if you are planning to use application as middleware in other PSR7 frameworks.

You can easily redefine start() method in your App class to use your custom dispatcher.

Read this section to know how HttpDispatcher work.

You can also set your own dispatched in App bootstrap method.