As in case with active request scope, you are able to get access to current instance of response in your controllers in PSR7 fashion.
public function indexAction(ResponseInterface $response)
$response->getBody()->write('Hello World');
return $response->withHeader('Test', 'My Header');
There is no shortcut for active request as it stated as immutable and can not overwritten, only returned.
To simplify development spiral MiddlewarePipeline might not only accept ResponseInterface
from it's endpoint (your controllers and action) but also string and arrays, meaning that we can return following structures:
public function indexAction()
return 'Hello world';
Pipeline can also understand array and JsonSerializable
responses which will be written as json structure:
public function indexAction()
return [
'status' => 200,
'hello' => 'world'
In this case 200 will be used as response code.
To better understand how this code work let's try to look to the following simplification (this is not actual code):
class MiddlewarePipeline
public function execute($request, $response)
//Where your endpoint is your controller
$result = $this->executeEndpoint($request, $response);
if ($result instanceof ResponseInterface) {
return $request;
if (is_array($result) || $result instanceof \JsonSerializable) {
return $this->writeJson($response, $result);
//As string
return $response;
You can simplify response manipulation by using Spiral\Http\Response\ResponseWrapper
public function indexAction(ResponseInterface $response)
$responder = new ResponseWrapper($response);
return $responder->redirect('');
Response wrapper can be requested as injection:
public function indexAction(ResponseWrapper $response)
return $response->redirect('');
Or via shortcut response
public function indexAction()
return $this->response->redirect('');
Let's view other methods than redirect available in Responder.
public function indexAction()
return $this->response->html('hello world');
public function indexAction()
return $this->response->json(
['something' => 123],
public function indexAction()
return $this->response->attachment(__FILE__, 'name.php');
You can also use Stream or Storage object as first argument and specify your own mimetype as third option.
Responder methods are only returns modified instance of ResponseInterface, this means that you can apply additional modifications to it:
public function indexAction()
return $this->response->attachment(
)->withHeader('Header', 'Value');