Revision: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:24:10 GMT
v1.0 – outdated
This version of the documentation is outdated. Consider upgrading your project to Spiral Framework 3.12
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Embedded Commands

Spiral provides big set of commands you might use if your application:

Command Description
configure Configure file permissions, install modules and render view file
register Register module configs and publish it's resources
publish Publish specific module resources
server Run Spiral Development server on specified host and port
update Perform application schemas and cache update
console:reload Reindex console commands (run after creating command in application)
app:key Update encryption key for current environment
app:reload Reload application boot-loading list (only when cache is enabled)
app:extensions Get list of available php extensions
app:clean Clean application runtime cache
db:describe Describe table schema of specific database
db:list Get list of available databases, their tables and records count
migrate:init Init migrations component (create migrations table)
migrate:replay Replay (down, up) one or multiple migrations
migrate:rollback Rollback one (default) or multiple migrations
migrate:status Get list of all available migrations and their statuses
i18n:dump Dump given locale using specified dumper and path
i18n:reload Force Translator to reload locales
i18n:index Index all declared translation strings and usages
orm:schema Update ORM schema.
views:compile Compile every available view file
views:reset Clear view cache for all environments

You can get list of currently available commands by calling ConsoleDisptacher->getCommands().

You can disable automatic command location and define your own set of commands in console config.