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Injectable Configs

All framework components talk to config files though the set of config objects. Framework bundle provides ability to automatically route and populate such objects using contextual injections by ConfigFactory.

Create configuration

To create new config object, place file in app/config (sub-dirs are allowed), example "my-config.php":

return [
    'option' => 'value'

Config data can now be read using ConfiguratorInterface:

public function indexAction(ConfiguratorInterface $configurator)


In order to properly represent configuration in the container create class extends InjectableConfig:

class MyConfig extends InjectableConfig
    const CONFIG = 'my-config';

    //Default config values (docs) if any
    protected $config = [
        'option' => null

     * @return string
    public function getOption(): string
        return $this->config['option'];

Config object can be used immediately as injection:

public function indexAction(MyConfig $config, ConfiguratorInterface $configurator)
    dump($config->getOption() === $configurator->getConfig('my-config')['option']);

Config objects can be used to properly handle legacy configuration formats:

public function getOption()
    if (!empty($this->config['new-option'])) {
        //Some new feature
        return $this->config['new-option'];

    return $this->config['option'];

All created configs are cached in ConfigFactory, use flushCache() to reset such cache.