Spiral utilizes PSR-16 (ORM) and PSR-6 (psr7-middlewares) protocols to allow your application to communicate with cache engines.
You are able to choose any caching library which support this mechanisms. To enable cache support in application create PSR interface binding to your implementation or factory:
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
class CacheBootloader extends Bootloader
const SINGLETONS = [
CacheInterface::class => [self::class, 'makeCache']
protected function makeCache(): CacheItemPoolInterface
return new MyCache();
Take a look at existed module spiral/phpfastcache
which creates bridge to https://github.com/PHPSocialNetwork/phpfastcache library and adds cache configuration into your application.
$ composer require spiral/phpfastcache
$ spiral register spiral/phpfastcache
Add bootloader Spiral/PhpFastCache/CacheBootloader
to enable caching.