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MongoDB Databases

Spiral ODM component includes DatabaseManager component which simplifies access to MongoDB and provides support for contextual injections.


Locate your MongoDB databases configuration in app/config/mongo:

return [
    * Here you can specify name/alias for database to be treated as default in your application.
    * Such database will be returned from ODM->database(null) call and also can be
    * available using $this->db shared binding.
    'default'   => 'default',

     * Set of database aliases.
    'aliases'   => [
        'database' => 'default',
        'db'       => 'default',
        'mongo'    => 'default'

     * Mongo database configured with connection options.
    'databases' => [
        'default' => [
            'server'   => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
            'database' => env('MONGO_DB', 'spiral'),
            'options'  => [
                'connect' => true

Component works similar was with Database and makes you able to request database using shortcut or dependency in your code:

public function indexAction(MongoDatabase $database)

ODM Databases are built at top of mongodb library:

public function indexAction(MongoDatabase $database): string