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Storage servers

The StorageManager component support multiple servers and buckets for each of the server. Server connection configuration is located in storage config and can be altered in runtime by talking to StorageInterface.

Local Server

FilesInterface stores data on local hard-drive. It has only one global option "home" which every bucket directory must be related to, bucket options must include storage directory and optional mode (by default RUNTIME - 755).

Example server definition:

'local'     => [
    'class'   => Servers\LocalServer::class,
    'options' => [
        'home' => directory('runtime')

Example bucket definition:

'local'     => [
    'server'  => 'local',
    'prefix'  => 'local:',
    'options' => [
        'directory' => 'storage/' // runtime/storage/

Amazon S3

AmazonServer talks to AWS S3 storage via Guzzle package.

Example server definition:

'amazon'    => [
    'class'   => Servers\AmazonServer::class,
    'options' => [
        'accessKey' => '',
        'secretKey' => '',

You can include addition arguments such as timeout (default 0) and server (default "");

In your buckets you have to specify AWS S3 bucket name and public/private flag.

'amazon'    => [
    'server'  => 'amazon',
    'prefix'  => '',
    'options' => [
        'public' => true,
        'bucket' => 'my-bucket'

Setting "public" option to true will make every uploaded file available for access from web without signed requests.

Rackspace Files

RackspaceServer works similar to AWS, though, due protocol difference, it have different credential management system.

Example server definition:

'rackspace' => [
    'class'   => Servers\RackspaceServer::class,
    'options' => [
        'username' => '',
        'apiKey'   => ''

Additional options available:

$options = [
    'server'     => '',
    'authServer' => '',
    'username'   => '',
    'apiKey'     => '',
    'cache'      => true,   //Enable to use cache to store credentials and tokens
    'lifetime'   => 86400   //Cache lifetime

Rackspace buckets requires us to define region bucket located in (Rackspace has limited abilities of copying files from buckets located in different regions), example:

'rackspace' => [
    'server'  => 'rackspace',
    'prefix'  => 'rackspace:',
    'options' => [
        'container' => 'container-name',
        'region'    => 'DFW'

You can find bucket region in Rackspace control panel.

FTP server

FtpServer stores it's files on remote server:

'ftp'       => [
    'class'   => Servers\FtpServer::class,
    'options' => [
        'host'     => '',
        'login'    => 'Wolfy-J',
        'password' => '',
        'home'     => '/'

Additional server options:

$options = [
    'host'     => '',
    'port'     => 21,
    'timeout'  => 60,
    'login'    => '',
    'password' => '',
    'home'     => '/',
    'passive'  => true

Bucket definition is similar to LocalServer:

'sftp'      => [
    'server'  => 'sftp',
    'prefix'  => 'sftp:',
    'options' => [
        'directory' => 'uploads',
        'mode'      => \Spiral\Files\FilesInterface::RUNTIME

SFTP server

SftpServer works almost identically to FtpServer but over SSH:

'sftp'      => [
    'class'   => Servers\SftpServer::class,
    'options' => [
        'host'       => '',
        'home'       => '/home/',
        'authMethod' => 'pubkey', //
        'username'   => '',
        'password'   => '',
        'publicKey'  => '',
        'privateKey' => ''

Additional options and SFTP authorization:

 * Authorization methods.
const NONE     = 'none';
const PASSWORD = 'password';
const PUB_KEY  = 'pubkey';

 * @var array
protected $options = [
    'host'       => '',
    'methods'    => [],
    'port'       => 22,
    'home'       => '/',
    //Authorization method and username
    'authMethod' => 'password',
    'username'   => '',
    //Used with "password" authorization
    'password'   => '',
    //User with "pubkey" authorization
    'publicKey'  => '',
    'privateKey' => '',
    'secret'     => null

Bucket definition:

'sftp'      => [
    'server'  => 'sftp',
    'prefix'  => 'sftp:',
    'options' => [
        'directory' => 'uploads',
        'mode'      => \Spiral\Files\FilesInterface::RUNTIME

GridFS server

You can also use MongoDB to store your files:

'gridFS'    => [
    'class'   => Servers\GridFSServer::class,
    'options' => [
        //Works with default database if any, use new Autowire (db bingin) to use custom db

Example bucket definition:

'gridfs'    => [
    'server'  => 'gridfs',
    'prefix'  => 'gridfs:',
    'options' => [
        'collection' => 'files'

Use ODM extension to support

More Sevres

Implement your own storage server or server bridge by implementing ServerInterface:

interface ServerInterface
     * Check if object exists at server under specified bucket. Must return false if object does not
     * exists.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param string          $name
     * @return bool
     * @throws ServerException
    public function exists(BucketInterface $bucket, string $name): bool;

     * Get object size in specified bucket or return false.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param string          $name
     * @return int|null
     * @throws ServerException
    public function size(BucketInterface $bucket, string $name);

     * Put object data into specified bucket under given name, must replace existed data.
     * @param BucketInterface                 $bucket
     * @param string                          $name
     * @param string|StreamInterface|resource $source
     * @return bool
     * @throws ServerException
    public function put(BucketInterface $bucket, string $name, $source): bool;

     * Must return filename which is valid in associated FilesInterface instance. Must trow an
     * exception if object does not exists. Filename can be temporary and should not be used
     * between sessions.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param string          $name
     * @return string
     * @throws ServerException
    public function allocateFilename(BucketInterface $bucket, string $name): string;

     * Return PSR7 stream associated with bucket object content or trow and exception.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param string          $name
     * @return StreamInterface
     * @throws ServerException
    public function allocateStream(BucketInterface $bucket, string $name): StreamInterface;

     * Delete bucket object if it exists.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param string          $name
     * @throws ServerException
    public function delete(BucketInterface $bucket, string $name);

     * Rename storage object without changing it's bucket.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param string          $oldName
     * @param string          $newName
     * @return bool
     * @throws ServerException
    public function rename(BucketInterface $bucket, string $oldName, string $newName): bool;

     * Copy storage object to another bucket. Both buckets must belong to same server.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param BucketInterface $destination
     * @param string          $name
     * @return bool
     * @throws ServerException
    public function copy(BucketInterface $bucket, BucketInterface $destination, string $name): bool;

     * Move storage object data to another bucket. Both buckets must belong to same server.
     * @param BucketInterface $bucket
     * @param BucketInterface $destination
     * @param string          $name
     * @return bool
     * @throws ServerException
    public function replace(
        BucketInterface $bucket,
        BucketInterface $destination,
        string $name
    ): bool;

Spiral StorageManager has been written originally in 2010-2011, you can find a lot of alternative libraries since then, for example Flysystem.