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Http Error Handling

HttpDispatcher does not provide direct functionality for a error conversion, though it supplies spiral application with Spiral\Http\Middlewares\ExceptionWrapper middleware used to handle and represent client exception (not found, forbidden and etc) by rendering appropriate view.

Please read about application level error handling to understand how error exceptions are handled.

Exposing errors

HttpDispatcher provides ability to expose error exceptions to the client in a form of snapshots (see error handling), by default exception rendering will be dedicated to SnaphotInterface which will show stack stace and environment details.

Once application moved to production consider disabling debug mode which will force HttpDispatcher replace snapshot response with regular 500 error. Check .env file to locate option to enable and disable debug mode.

By default HttpDispatcher is capable to expose exception in html and json formats, if you need more specific error responses use using external middlewares such as Whoops.

Client Exceptions

HttpDispatcher defines a set of "soft" client exceptions you can use in your code to force some HTTP error to happen. For example:

protected function indexAction()
     throw new ClientException(ClientException::NOT_FOUND);

Exceptions like that will be handled by ExceptionWrapper, and rendered using view component with associated status code. To define a custom view for your error, edit the http configuration file to link error code to view name:

    'httpErrors'   => [
        400 => 'spiral:http/badRequest',
        403 => 'spiral:http/forbidden',
        404 => 'spiral:http/notFound',
        500 => 'spiral:http/serverError',

There are a few exceptions predefined for generic scenarios:

Code Exception class
400 BadRequestException
401 UnauthorizedException
403 ForbiddenException
404 NotFoundException
500 ServerErrorException
protected function indexAction()
     throw new ForbiddenException();

You can also define your own exception handler middleware or custom exception classes.

Custom Errors

You can also automatically convert your domains into http errors by creating a middleware:

public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, callable $next)
    try {
        return $next($request, $response);
    } catch (\DomainException $e) {
        throw new ServerErrorException($e->getMessage());