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Eager Loading

The ORM provides you ability to solve N+1 problem using data pre-loading. Pre-loading can be based on relation options, custom sub query or sort direction.

Read about how to Query Models.

To make pre-loading you will need only one method - load.

Such method can be combined with joined table conditions without causing collisions, load method are fully compatibly by it's syntax with with method so you can pre-load many relations at once, specify where conditions and pre-load nested relations using dot separator.

To load user, it's profile (has one) and roles:

$selection = $userRepo->find()->where('', '!=', '');

SQL #1:

`user`.`id` AS `c1`, `user`.`name` AS `c2`, `user`.`email` AS `c3`, `user`.`status` AS `c4`, `user`.`balance` AS `c5`, `user`.`time_registered` AS `c6`, `user`.`time_created` AS
`c7`, `user`.`time_updated` AS `c8`, `d1`.`id` AS `c9`, `d1`.`biography` AS `c10`, `d1`.`user_id` AS `c11`
FROM `primary_users` AS `user`  
LEFT JOIN `primary_profiles` AS `d1`
    ON `d1`.`user_id` = `user`.`id` 
WHERE `user`.`name` != ''

SQL #2:

`d2`.`id` AS `c1`, `d2`.`name` AS `c2`, `d2`.`available` AS `c3`, `d2_pivot`.`role_id` AS `c4`, `d2_pivot`.`user_id` AS `c5`, `d2_pivot`.`time_assigned` AS `c6`,
`d2_pivot`.`status` AS `c7`
FROM `primary_roles` AS `d2`  
INNER JOIN `primary_role_user_map` AS `d2_pivot`
    ON `d2_pivot`.`role_id` = `d2`.`id` AND `d2_pivot`.`status` = 'active' 
WHERE `d2_pivot`.`user_id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Note, in two SQL queries, profile data was joined to user data using LEFT JOIN (as it was the most optimal way for HAS_ONE) and roles were loaded using additional query.

You can force relation to load using JOIN or external query using methods RelationLoader::INLOAD and RelationLoader::POSTLOAD. Note, that table aliases are unique.

You can combine conditional join and eager load without worry about name collisions:

$selection->with('roles', ['where' => ['{@}.name' => 'admin']])

SQL queries:

`user`.`id` AS `c1`, `user`.`name` AS `c2`, `user`.`email` AS `c3`, `user`.`status` AS `c4`, `user`.`balance` AS `c5`, `user`.`time_registered` AS `c6`, `user`.`time_created` AS
`c7`, `user`.`time_updated` AS `c8`
FROM `primary_users` AS `user`  
INNER JOIN `primary_role_user_map` AS `roles_pivot`
    ON `roles_pivot`.`user_id` = `user`.`id` AND `roles_pivot`.`status` = 'active'
INNER JOIN `primary_roles` AS `roles`
    ON `roles_pivot`.`role_id` = `roles`.`id` AND `roles`.`name` = 'admin' 
WHERE `user`.`name` != '' 
`d1`.`id` AS `c1`, `d1`.`name` AS `c2`, `d1`.`available` AS `c3`, `d1_pivot`.`role_id` AS `c4`, `d1_pivot`.`user_id` AS `c5`, `d1_pivot`.`time_assigned` AS `c6`,
`d1_pivot`.`status` AS `c7`
FROM `primary_roles` AS `d1`  
INNER JOIN `primary_role_user_map` AS `d1_pivot`
    ON `d1_pivot`.`role_id` = `d1`.`id` AND `d1_pivot`.`status` = 'active' 
WHERE `d1_pivot`.`user_id` IN (1)

You can set conditions to load data as well:

$selection->where('', '!=', '');
$selection->load('posts', ['where' => ['{@}.published' => true]]);

Use "{@}" alias in order to use joined table context:

`user`.`id` AS `c1`, `user`.`name` AS `c2`, `user`.`email` AS `c3`, `user`.`status` AS `c4`, `user`.`balance` AS `c5`, `user`.`time_registered` AS `c6`, `user`.`time_created` AS
`c7`, `user`.`time_updated` AS `c8`
FROM `primary_users` AS `user`
WHERE `user`.`name` != ''
`d1`.`id` AS `c1`, `d1`.`published` AS `c2`, `d1`.`title` AS `c3`, `d1`.`content` AS `c4`, `d1`.`author_id` AS `c5`
FROM `primary_posts` AS `d1`
WHERE `d1`.`published` = true AND `d1`.`author_id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, ...)

After that, accessing relation data in User model will give us only published posts.

Attention, it's much more reliable to define more specific relations for such purposes like "publishedPosts".

To order your selection include orderBy option:

$selection->load('posts', ['where' => [
    '{@}.published' => true,
    'orderBy'       => ['{@}.id' => 'DESC']

Load Alias

You can define table alias for included relation table using alias option.


To cache your selection (including pre-loaded relations) pass Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface into getIterator method of your selector:

$iterator = $selector->getIterator('cache-key', 8600, $cache);

RecordSelector can fetch the cache instance automatically from IoC if such binding exists.