Revision: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 19:54:54 GMT

Testing — Getting Started

Spiral is designed with a strong emphasis on testing. It comes with built-in support for PHPUnit, and includes a pre-configured phpunit.xml file for your application.

The default directory structure of a Spiral application includes a tests directory, which contains two subdirectories: Feature and Unit.

Unit tests are designed to test small, isolated portions of code, often focusing on a single method. These tests do not boot the entire Spiral application, and therefore cannot access the database or other framework services.

On the other hand, Feature tests are intended to test a larger portion of code, including interactions between multiple objects, or even a full HTTP request to a JSON endpoint. These tests provide more comprehensive coverage of your application and give you greater confidence that it is functioning as intended.

Spiral provides the spiral/testing package to help developers with the testing of their application. This package offers a variety of helper methods that can simplify the process of writing tests for Spiral applications.


In order to run tests, you may need to set up certain environment variables. One way to do this is by using the phpunit.xml file. This file is used by the PHPUnit testing framework to configure the testing environment.

Here is an example:


    // ...
        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
        <env name="QUEUE_CONNECTION" value="sync"/>
        <env name="MONOLOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL" value="stderr"/>
        <env name="CACHE_STORAGE" value="array"/>
        <env name="TOKENIZER_CACHE_TARGETS" value="true" />
        <env name="CYCLE_SCHEMA_CACHE" value="true" />
        // ...

When you run tests in a Docker container, the settings in Docker are more important than the ones in phpunit.xml. This might cause trouble if they don't match. Make sure the Docker settings are right for your tests.

Notice It is highly advised to enable TOKENIZER_CACHE_TARGETS and CYCLE_SCHEMA_CACHE for enhanced test performance. By doing so, you allow caching of tokenizer and ORM schema which means they won't be executed with each test iteration. However, please note it's important to clear this cache whenever you make changes to your code or the schema of your entities to ensure tests run with up-to-date configurations.

Unit tests

On the other hand, Unit tests, which focus on small, isolated portions of your code, should extend the PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase class. Unit tests do not boot the entire Spiral application, so they are not able to access the database or other framework services.

Here is an example of a simple unit test:

namespace Tests\Unit;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

final class UserTest extends TestCase
    public function testGetId(): void
        $user = new User(id: 101);
        $this->assertSame(101, $user->getId());

Feature tests

Feature tests, which test a larger portion of your code, should extend the Tests\TestCase abstract class. This class is specifically designed to bootstrap your application, simulating the behavior of a web server, but with testing environment variables.

Here is an example of a simple feature test:

namespace Tests\Feature\Controller\UserController;

use Tests\TestCase;

final class ShowActionTest extends TestCase
    public function testShowPageNotFoundIfUserNotExist(): void
        $http = $this->fakeHttp();
        $response = $http->get('/user/1');

Environment variables

The Tests\TestCase class includes a feature that allows you to set up environment variables for your test cases. This can be useful if you need to test specific behavior based on environment variables.

use Tests\TestCase;

final class SomeTest extends TestCase
    public const ENV = [
        'DEBUG' => false,
        // ...

    public function testSomeFeature(): void

You can also define ENV variables using PHP attributes. This allows for more granular control over the test environment.

use Tests\TestCase;
use Spiral\Testing\Attribute\Env;

final class SomeTest extends TestCase
    #[Env('DEBUG', false)]
    #[Env('APP_ENV', 'production')]
    public function testSomeFeature(): void

Interaction with Container

The Tests\TestCase class also includes a feature that allows you to interact with the container.

Getting a container instance

$container = $this->getContainer();

Check if a service is not registered in a container


Check if a container can create an object using autowiring


Check if container has given alias and bound


Check if container bound to a specific class


Check if container bound to a specific class with parameters

    ['foo' => 'bar']

You can also use a callback function for additional checks

    ['foo' => 'bar'],
    function(\Spiral\Queue\QueueManager $manager) {
        $this->assertEquals(..., $manager->....)

Check if container bound as singleton


Check if container bound as not singleton


Mock a service in the container

In some cases you need to mock a service in the container. For example authentication service.

namespace Tests\Feature\Controller\UserController;

use Tests\TestCase;

final class ProfileActionTest extends TestCase
    public function testShowPageNotFoundIfUserNotExist(): void
        $auth = $this->mockContainer(\Spiral\Auth\ActorProviderInterface::class);

        $http = $this->fakeHttp();
        $response = $http->get('/user/profile');


Interaction with Config

Let's imagine that we have the following config:

return [
    'basePath'   => '/',
    'headers'    => [
        'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
    'middleware' => [],

Define config values

In some cases you need to define config values for specific tests. You can do it using PHP attributes.

use Tests\TestCase;
use Spiral\Testing\Attribute\Config;

final class SomeTest extends TestCase
    #[Config('http.basePath', '/custom')]
    #[Config('http.headers.Content-Type', 'text/plain')]
    public function testSomeFeature(): void

Check if config matches the given value

$this->assertConfigMatches('http', [
    'basePath'   => '/',
    'headers'    => [
        'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
    'middleware' => [],

Check if config has the given fragment

$this->assertConfigHasFragments('http', [
    'basePath' => '/'

Get the config

/** @var array $config */
$config = $this->getConfig('http');

Interaction with Directories

Check if directory alias exists


Check if directory alias matches the given value

$this->assertDirectoryAliasMatches('runtime', __DIR__.'src/runtime');

Clean up directory


Clean up directory by alias

    'runtime', 'cache', 'logs'

You can also clean up runtime directory


Interaction with Console

Check if a command is registered


Run a console command

You can run a console command in your test case and check the result.

$output = $this->runCommand('ping', ['site' => '']);
$this->assertStringContainsString('Pong', $output);

You can also check strings in the output using

    ['site' => ''],
    ['Site found', 'Starting ping ...', 'Success!']

Interaction with Bootloaders

The Tests\TestCase class also includes a feature that allows you to interact with bootloaders.

Check if a bootloader is registered


Check if a bootloader is not registered


Interaction with Dispatcher

Check if a dispatcher is registered


Check if a dispatcher is not registered


Run dispatcher

You can run a dispatcher with passing some bindings as second argument. It will be run inside scope with bindings.

$this->serveDispatcher(HttpDispatcher::class, [
    \Spiral\Boot\EnvironmentInterface::class => new \Spiral\Boot\Environment([
        'foo' => 'bar'

Check if a dispatcher can be served

Check if a dispatcher can be served with current environment.


Check if a dispatcher cannot be served

Check if a dispatcher cannot be served with current environment.


Get registered dispatchers

/** @var class-string<\Spiral\Boot\DispatcherInterface>[] $dispatchers */
$dispatchers = $this->getRegisteredDispatchers();

Interaction with Scaffolder

We can provide the ability to test scaffolder commands.

Assert generated code is same as expected

        'name' => 'TestCommand',
    expected: <<<'PHP'
    namespace Spiral\Testing\Command;
    use Spiral\Console\Attribute\Argument;
    use Spiral\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
    use Spiral\Console\Attribute\Option;
    use Spiral\Console\Attribute\Question;
    use Spiral\Console\Command;
    #[AsCommand(name: 'test:command')]
    final class TestCommand extends Command
        public function __invoke(): int
            // Put your command logic here
            $this->info('Command logic is not implemented yet');
            return self::SUCCESS;
    expectedFilename: 'app/src/Command/TestCommand.php',
    expectedOutputStrings: [
        "Declaration of 'TestCommand' has been successfully written into 'app/src/Command/TestCommand.php",

Assert that generated code contains the given string

        'name' => 'TestCommand',
        '--namespace' => 'App\Command',
    expectedStrings: [
        'namespace App\Command;',
    expectedFilename: 'app/src/TestCommand.php',

Assert exception is thrown

$this->expectExceptionMessage('Not enough arguments (missing: "name").');


Assert run command with additional options

        'name' => 'TestCommand',
        '-o' => 'foo',
    expectedStrings: [
        "#[Option(description: 'Argument description')]",
        'private bool $foo;'

Running Tests

When you run the vendor/bin/phpunit command, it will automatically look for test files in the tests directory of your application, and run them using the configuration specified in the phpunit.xml file.

To run the tests in your Spiral application, you can simply execute the command:


Enjoy testing!

What's next?

Now, dive deeper into the fundamentals by reading some articles: