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Getting started — First background job

In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of creating and running a background job using Spiral and the RoadRunner application server. This will enable you to execute tasks asynchronously, allowing your application to continue its operations while the background job runs seamlessly in the background.

Let's dive into the basic steps you need to follow:

Creating a Job

To create your first job effortlessly, use the scaffolding command:

php app.php create:jobHandler PingSite

Read more about scaffolding in the Basics — Scaffolding section.

After executing this command, the following output will confirm the successful creation:

Declaration of 'PingSiteJob' has been successfully written into 'app/src/Endpoint/Job/PingSiteJob.php'.

Now, let's inject some logic into our freshly created job handler.

Here's an example of a job that sends a GET request to a given site:

namespace App\Endpoint\Job;

use Spiral\Queue\JobHandler;

final class PingSiteJob extends JobHandler
    public function invoke(HttpClientInterface $client, string $site): void
        $response = $client->request('GET', $site);
        // do something with response ...


Ensure that the jobs plugin is enabled in the RoadRunner configuration file .rr.yaml:

  listen: 'tcp://'

  consume: { }

# ...

Next, we need to configure our application to send jobs to RoadRunner. Open the app/config/queue.php configuration file and apply the changes below:

use Spiral\RoadRunner\Jobs\Queue\MemoryCreateInfo;

return [
    'default' => env('QUEUE_CONNECTION', 'roadrunner'),

    pipelines' => [
        'memory' => [
            'connector' => new MemoryCreateInfo('local'),
            'consume' => true,
    'connections' => [
        'roadrunner' => [
            'driver' => 'roadrunner',
            'default' => 'memory',

These adjustments configure our application to establish a new in-memory pipeline for the RoadRunner server. Whenever we push a job to this pipeline, it will be added to the in-memory queue. RoadRunner will then send it to a consumer for handling.

Running the Job

Now that our job and RoadRunner are configured, we can create a console command to push a job to the queue.

Let's create a command that will push a PingSiteJob to the queue:

php app.php create:command PingSite
namespace App\Endpoint\Console;

use App\Endpoint\Job\PingSiteJob;
use Spiral\Console\Attribute\Argument;
use Spiral\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Spiral\Console\Command;
use Spiral\Queue\QueueInterface;

#[AsCommand(name: 'ping:site', description: 'Ping site')]
final class PingSiteCommand extends Command
    #[Argument(description: 'Site to ping')]
    public string $site;

    public function __invoke(QueueInterface $queue): int
        $id = $queue->push(PingSiteJob::class, [
            'site' => $this->site,

        $this->writeln(\sprintf('Job %s pushed', $id));

        return self::SUCCESS;

In the provided example, we inject the QueueInterface into the method. This allows the dependency injection container to automatically resolve it and provide an instance of the default queue connection specified in the configuration file.

Start the RoadRunner server

To run the job, we first need to start the RoadRunner server with the following command:

./rr serve

Run the console command

Now, it's time to run our console command and push a job to the queue. Use the following command:

php app.php ping:site ""

You should see the following output:

Job 3332e595-9774-434c-908c-3c419f80c967 pushed

Once the job is pushed to the queue, it will be picked up by RoadRunner, which will subsequently hand it over to a consumer for processing.

That's it! Congratulations on creating your first background job using Spiral and RoadRunner. With this setup, you can effortlessly incorporate more jobs and execute tasks asynchronously to ensure smooth operation of your application.

What's Next?

Now, dive deeper into the fundamentals by reading some articles: