Revision: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:05:02 GMT

GRPC — Interceptors

Spiral provides interceptors for gRPC services that allow you to intercept and modify requests and responses at various points in the request lifecycle.

See more
Read more about interceptors in the Framework — Interceptors section.

There are two types of interceptors:

  1. Server interceptors
  2. Client interceptors

Server Interceptors

Server interceptors are used to intercept and modify requests and responses received by a server. They are typically used to add cross-cutting functionality such as logging, authentication, or monitoring to the server.

Logging Interceptor

Here is an example of a simple interceptor that logs a request before and after processing:

namespace App\Endpoint\GRPC\Interceptor;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;

final class LogInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $core,
    ) {
    public function process(string $name, string $action, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core): string
        $this->logger->info('Request received...', [
            'name' => $name,
            'action' => $action,
        $response = $core->callAction($name, $action, $parameters);
        $this->logger->info('Request processed', [
            'name' => $name,
            'action' => $action,

        return $response;

Exception Handler Interceptor

Here is an example of a simple interceptor that handles exceptions thrown by the server. It will catch all exceptions and convert them to a gRPC exception.

namespace App\Endpoint\GRPC\Interceptor;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionReporterInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC\Exception\GRPCException;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC\Exception\GRPCExceptionInterface;

final class ExceptionHandlerInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ExceptionReporterInterface $reporter
    ) {

    public function process(string $controller, string $action, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core): mixed
        try {
            return $core->callAction($controller, $action, $parameters);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {

            if ($e instanceof GRPCExceptionInterface) {
                throw $e;

            throw new GRPCException(
                message: $e->getMessage(),
                previous: $e

Receiving trace context from request

Here is an example of a simple interceptor that receives trace context from the request.

namespace App\Endpoint\GRPC\Interceptor;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\Telemetry\TraceKind;
use Spiral\Telemetry\TracerFactoryInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;

class InjectTelemetryFromContextInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly TracerFactoryInterface $tracerFactory
    ) {

    public function process(string $controller, string $action, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core): mixed
        $traceContext = [];

        if (isset($parameters['ctx']) and $parameters['ctx'] instanceof RequestContext) {
            $traceContext = $parameters['ctx']->getValue('telemetry-trace-id') ?? [];

        return $this->tracerFactory->make($traceContext)->trace(
            name: \sprintf('Interceptor [%s]', __CLASS__),
            callback: static fn(): mixed => $core->callAction($controller, $action, $parameters),
            attributes: [
                'controller' => $controller,
                'action' => $action,
            scoped: true,
            traceKind: TraceKind::SERVER

Guard Interceptor

Here is an example of a simple interceptor that checks if the user is authenticated. It will use PHP attributes to determine which methods require authentication. An authentication token is passed in the request metadata.

namespace App\Endpoint\GRPC\Interceptor;

use App\Attribute\Guarded;
use Spiral\Attributes\ReaderInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC\ContextInterface;

final class GuardedInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ReaderInterface $reader
    ) {

    public function process(string $class, string $method, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core): mixed
        $reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
        $attribute = $this->reader->firstFunctionMetadata($reflMethod, Guarded::class);

        if ($attribute !== null) {
            $this->checkAuth($attribute, $parameters['ctx']);

        return $core->callAction($class, $method, $parameters);

    private function checkAuth(Guarded $attribute, ContextInterface $ctx): void
        // Metadata always stores values as array. 
        $token = $ctx->getValue($attribute->tokenField)[0] ?? null;

        // Here you can implement your own authentication logic
        if ($token !== 'secret') {
            throw new \Exception('Unauthorized.');

And example of a method that requires authentication:

use App\Attribute\Guarded;

public function ping(GRPC\ContextInterface $ctx, PingRequest $in): PingResponse
    // ...

And example of Guarded attribute:

namespace App\Attribute;

use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\NamedArgumentConstructor;

#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD), NamedArgumentConstructor]
class Guarded
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $tokenField = 'token'
    ) {

Registering Interceptors

To use this interceptor, you will need to register them in the configuration file app/config/grpc.php.

return [    
    'interceptors' => [

Client Interceptors

Client interceptors are used to intercept and modify requests and responses sent by a client. They are typically used to add cross-cutting functionality such as logging, modifying header, handling response errors.

Interceptable Client class

If you want to use client interceptors, you will need to modify a client class from client SDK section.

See more
Read more about interceptors in еру Framework — Interceptors section.

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use App\Service\PingerClient;
use App\Service\RequestCore;
use GRPC\Pinger\PingerInterface;
use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Boot\EnvironmentInterface;
use Spiral\Core\InterceptableCore;

final class AppBootloader extends Bootloader
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        PingerInterface::class => [self::class, 'initPingService'],

    private function initPingService(
        EnvironmentInterface $env
    ): PingServiceInterface
        $core = new InterceptableCore(
            new RequestCore(
                $env->get('PING_SERVICE_HOST', ''),
                ['credentials' => \Grpc\ChannelCredentials::createInsecure()]

        // Here you can register your interceptors
        $core->addInterceptor(new \App\Service\Interceptor\HandleResponseErrorsInterceptor());

        return new PingerClient($core);

And then implement the RequestCore class:

namespace App\Service;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC\ContextInterface;

final class RequestCore extends \Grpc\BaseStub implements CoreInterface
    public function callAction(string $controller, string $action, array $parameters = []): mixed
        $ctx = $parameters['ctx'];
        \assert($ctx instanceof ContextInterface);

        return $this->_simpleRequest(
            [$parameters['responseClass'], 'decode'],
            (array) $ctx->getValue('metadata'),
            (array) $ctx->getValue('options')

And finally modify the PingerClient class:

namespace App\Service;

use App\GRPC\Pinger;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC;

final class PingerClient implements Pinger\PingerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly RequestCore $core
    ) {

    public function ping(GRPC\ContextInterface $ctx, Pinger\PingRequest $in): Pinger\PingResponse
        return $this->sendRequest(
            '/' . self::NAME . '/ping',

     * @template T of object
     * @param non-empty-string $method
     * @param class-string<T> $response
     * @return T
    public function sendRequest(
        string $method,
        \GRPC\Ping\PingRequest $in,
        GRPC\ContextInterface $ctx,
        string $response
    ): object {
        [$response, $status] = $this->core->callAction(
            self::class, $method,
                'responseClass' => $response,
                'ctx' => $ctx,
                'in' => $in,

        return $response;

Handle Response Errors Interceptor

namespace App\Service\Interceptor;

use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC;

final class HandleResponseErrorsInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function process(string $controller, string $action, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core): mixed
        [$response, $status] = $core->callAction($controller, $action, $parameters);

        $code = $status->code ?? GRPC\StatusCode::UNKNOWN;

        if ($code !== GRPC\StatusCode::OK) {
            throw new GRPC\Exception\GRPCException(
                message: $status->details,
                code: $status->code

        return [$response, $code];

Passing telemetry trace ID to the context

namespace App\Service\Interceptor;

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC\ContextInterface;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\GRPC\ResponseHeaders;
use Spiral\Telemetry\TraceKind;
use Spiral\Telemetry\TracerInterface;
use Spiral\Core\CoreInterface;

class InjectTelemetryIntoContextInterceptor implements CoreInterceptorInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ContainerInterface $container
    ) {

    public function process(string $controller, string $action, array $parameters, CoreInterface $core): mixed
        $tracer = $this->container->get(TracerInterface::class);
        \assert($tracer instanceof TracerInterface);

        if (isset($parameters['ctx']) and $parameters['ctx'] instanceof RequestContext) {
            $metadata = $parameters['ctx']->getValue('metadata');
            if(!\is_array($metadata)) {
                $metadata = [];
            $metadata['telemetry-trace-id'] = $tracer->getContext();
            $parameters['ctx'] = $parameters['ctx']->withValue('metadata', $metadata);

        return $tracer->trace(
            name: \sprintf('GRPC request %s', $action),
            callback: static fn() => $core->callAction($controller, $action, $parameters),
            attributes: compact('controller', 'action'),
            traceKind: TraceKind::PRODUCER