Revision: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:23:52 GMT

Container — Auto-wiring

Spiral attempts to hide container implementation and configuration from your domain layer by providing rich auto-wiring functionality. Though auto-wiring rules are straightforward, it's essential to learn them to avoid framework misbehavior.

The Spiral\Core\Container\Autowire class allows you to delegate options to the container and pass specific configuration values to your classes without hardcoding them. This can be useful for keeping your configuration separate from your code and for making it easier to modify your application's behavior without changing the code itself.

use Spiral\Core\Container\Autowire;
use Spiral\Session\Handler\FileHandler;

return [
    // ...
    'handler' => new Autowire(
            'directory' => directory('runtime') . 'session',
            'lifetime' => (int)env('SESSION_LIFETIME', 86400),

When the container tries to resolve the Autowire, it will automatically create an instance of the FileHandler class and pass the directory and lifetime options to the constructor.

This allows you to easily configure your classes and pass in specific options without having to hardcode them in your code, and can be particularly useful for configuring classes that have many options or that are used in multiple parts of your codebase.