Revision: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 19:54:54 GMT

Views — Basics

Spiral provides a spiral/views component that serves as an abstraction layer for handling views. It provides a set of interfaces for registering template engines and using them to render templates.


The Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface interface provides methods for rendering a template, compiling a cache version of a view, resetting the view cache, and obtaining a view instance associated with a given path.

The component is also available via the prototyped property views. Read more about prototype trait in the The Basics — Prototyping section.


To render a view in the controller or other service, simply invoke the render method. The view name does not need to include an extension or namespace (default to be used).

You can use Dependency Injection to inject the Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface interface into your controller.

namespace App\Endpoint\Web;

use Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface;

class HomeController
    public function __construct(
      private readonly ViewsInterface $views
    ) {
    public function index(): string
        return $this->views->render('home');

To render the view with the passed data, use the second array argument:

public function index(): string
    return $this->views->render('home', [
        'key' => 'value'

Obtaining a View Instance

In some cases it might be more performant to cache the view in a stateless component. To obtain an instance of a view, you can use the get method.

use Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface;

public function index(): string
    /** @var \Spiral\Views\ViewInterface $view */
    $view = $this->views->get('profile-card');
    $card1 = $view->render('name' => 'John']);
    $card2 = $view->render(['name' => 'Jane']);
    return "<html><body>{$card1} {$card2}</body></html>";

Compiling a Cache

The compile method can be used to compile one of multiple cache versions of a view. This method takes a view path as an argument and compiles the cache version of the view.

namespace App\Endpoint\Console;

use Spiral\Console\Command;
use Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface;
use Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface;

class WarmupViewsCommand extends Command
    protected const NAME = 'views:compile';
    protected const DESCRIPTION = 'Compile all views in default namespace';

    public function __invoke(LoaderInterface $loader, ViewsInterface $views): void
        $templates = $loader->withExtension('dark.php')->list();
        // or
        $templates = $loader->withExtension('twig')->list(namespace: 'my-package');

        foreach ($templates as $template) {

Resetting the View Cache

The reset method can be used to reset the cache of a view. This method takes a view path as an argument and resets the cache for the view.

use Spiral\Views\ViewsInterface;


View source loader

The Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface is responsible for loading the source of a view. A view loader can be used to check if a view exists, load its source, and list all available views.

By default LoaderInterface is implemented by Spiral\Views\ViewLoader class that provides file-based view loading.

In order to use the methods defined in the LoaderInterface, you first need to specify an extension for the loader. This can be done by calling the withExtension method and passing in the desired extension.

The withExtension method is immutable. It will return a new instance of LoaderInterface.

use Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface;

public function index(LoaderInterface $loader): string
    $loader = $loader->withExtension('dark.php');
    // ...

Check If a View Exists

The exists method can be used to check if a view is available for rendering.

if (!$loader->exists('home')) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('View not found');

// ...

You can also check if a view exists in a specific namespace.


Loading View Source

The load method can be used to retrieve the source of a view. It will return the source of the view as a Spiral\Views\ViewSource instance.

/** @var \Spiral\Views\ViewSource $source */
$source = $loader->load('home');

$source->getNamespace(); // default
$source->getName(); // home
$source->getFilename(); // /app/views/home.dark.php
$source->getCode(); // <html>...</html>

In some cases, you want to replace the source code of a view. To do this, you can use the withCode method.

/** @var \Spiral\Views\ViewSource $source */
$source = $loader->load('home');

$source = $source->withCode('<div>...</div>');
$source->getCode(); // <div>...</div>

The withCode method is immutable. It will return a new instance of ViewSource.

Listing Available Views

The list method can be used to list all available views. It will return an array of view paths.

$views = $loader->list();

You can also list all available views in a specific namespace.

$views = $loader->list(namespace: 'my-package');

Custom View Loader

You can create your own loader by implementing the Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface interface.

Here is an example of a loader that loads views from a database.

This is just an example that shows how to implement a custom loader. It is not tested and should not be used.

namespace App\Integration\Database;

use Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface;
use Spiral\Views\Loader\PathParser;
use Spiral\Views\ViewSource;

final class DatabaseLoader implements LoaderInterface
    private ?PathParser $parser = null;
    public function __construct(
        private readonly DatabaseInterface $database,
        private readonly string $defaultNamespace = self::DEFAULT_NAMESPACE,
    ) {}
    public function withExtension(string $extension): LoaderInterface
        $loader = clone $this;
        $loader->parser = new PathParser($this->defaultNamespace, $extension);

        return $loader;
    public function getExtension(): ?string
        return $this->parser?->getExtension();
    public function exists(string $path, string &$filename = null, ViewPath &$parsed = null): bool
        if ($this->parser === null) {
            throw new LoaderException(
                'Unable to locate view source, no extension has been associated.'
        $parsed = $this->parser->parse($path);
        if ($parsed === null) {
            return false;
        if (!isset($this->namespaces[$parsed->getNamespace()])) {
            return false;
        // Iterate over all registered namespaces and check if the view exists in 
        // any of them.
        foreach ((array)$this->namespaces[$parsed->getNamespace()] as $namespace) {
            $isExists = $this->getTemplate($namespace, $parsed->getBasename()) !== null;
            if ($isExists) {
                $filename = $parsed->getBasename();
                return true;
        return false;
    public function load(string $path): ViewSource
        if (!$this->exists($path, $filename, $parsed)) {
            throw new LoaderException(
                \sprintf('Unable to load view `%s`, file does not exist.', $path)
        // View variable contains an array of record from the database with the 
        // following structure:
        // ['html' => '<div>...</div>', 'path' => '...', 'namespace' => '...']
        $view = $this->getTemplate($parsed->getNamespace(), $parsed->getBasename());
        return (new ViewSource(
    public function list(string $namespace = null): array
        $views = [];
        foreach ($this->namespaces as $namespace) {
            $templates = $this->database->select()
                ->where('namespace', $namespace)
            foreach ($templates as $template) {
                $views[] = $namespace . ':' . $template['path'];
        return $views;
    private function getTemplate(string $namespace, string $path): ?array
        return $this->database->select()
            ->where('namespace', $namespace)
            ->where('path', $path)

To use this loader, you need to replace a default one in the container.

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface;
use App\Integration\Database\DatabaseLoader;

class AppBootloader extends Bootloader 
    protected const SINGLETONS = [
        LoaderInterface::class => [self::class, 'initLoader'],
    protected function initLoader(DatabaseInterface $database): LoaderInterface
        return new DatabaseLoader($database);

Global variables

You can add global variables that will be available in all views.

There are several ways to add a global variable.

You can use the configuration file app/config/views.php.

return [
    // ...
    'globalVariables' => [
        'some_var' => env('SOME_VALUE'),
        'other_var' => 'other_value'

After that, you can use the variables in any view template including inherited templates.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">


See more
For example, you can use global variables to pass CSRF token to the views. See HTTP — CSRF protection for more details.


In the Views component, namespaces are used to organize and categorize views. Views can be separated into different namespaces based on their purpose or associated feature. This makes it easier to manage views, avoid naming conflicts, and reuse common templates.

Registering Namespaces

To register a namespace, you can use the addDirectory method of the ViewsBootloader class. This method takes two arguments: the first is the namespace name, and the second is the directory path associated with that namespace.

For example, if you have a directory called views in the my-package directory of your application, you can register it with the my-package namespace as follows:

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Views\Bootloader\ViewsBootloader;

class AppBootloader extends Bootloader
    public function boot(ViewsBootloader $views): void
        $views->addDirectory('my-package', directory('root') . 'my-package/views');

Accessing Namespaces

With this namespace registered, you can now refer to views in the views directory using the my-package namespace. For example, if you have a view file called home.dark.php in the my-package/views directory, you can render it as follows:


Template Engine


By default, the Views component provides only one template engine - Plain PHP templating. But there are also other template engines available:

Custom Template Engine

The Component provides the ability to register a custom template engine. To use a custom template engine you need to implement the Spiral\Views\EngineInterface.

The following is a brief explanation of EngineInterface methods:


The withLoader method is used to set and configure the views loader for the engine. This is the place where you can define the extension of the view files that will be used by the engine.

use Spiral\Views\EngineInterface;
use Spiral\Views\LoaderInterface;

final class BladeEngine implements EngineInterface
    private ?LoaderInterface $loader = null;
    public function withLoader(LoaderInterface $loader): EngineInterface
        $engine = clone $this;
        $engine->loader = $loader->withExtension('blade.php');
        return $engine;
    public function getLoader(): LoaderInterface
        return $this->loader;

Compile and Reset Cache

The compile and reset methods compiles (and resets cache) for the given view path in a provided context. This methods will be called each time the view needs to be recompiled.

use Spiral\Views\ContextInterface;
use Illuminate\View\Compilers\CompilerEngine;

private readonly CompilerEngine $blade;

public function compile(string $path, ContextInterface $context): mixed
    $filepath = $this->getLoader()->load($path)->getFilename();
    // Run the compilation process for the given view path

public function reset(string $path, ContextInterface $context): void
    $filepath = $this->getLoader()->load($path)->getFilename();
    // Reset the cache for the given view path

Get view instance

The get method returns an instance of the view class associated with the view path.

use Spiral\Views\ViewInterface;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine;

private readonly CompilerEngine $blade;

public function get(string $path, ContextInterface $context): ViewInterface
    $filepath = $this->getLoader()->load($path)->getFilename();
    return new BladeView($this->blade, $filepath);
use Spiral\Views\ViewInterface;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine;

class BladeView implements ViewInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly CompilerEngine $blade, 
        private readonly string $filepath
    ) { 
    public function render(array $data = []): string
        return $this->blade->get($this->filepath, $data);

Registering Custom Template Engine

The addEngine method of Spiral\Views\Bootloader\ViewsBootloader allows you to add your custom template engine to the Views component and make it available for use in your application.

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Views\Bootloader\ViewsBootloader;

class AppBootloader extends Bootloader
    public function boot(ViewsBootloader $views): void


Event Description
Spiral\Views\Event\ViewNotFound The Event will be fired when the view is not found.

To learn more about dispatching events, see the Events section in our documentation.