Revision: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 19:54:54 GMT

The Basics — Logging

Spiral offers spiral/logger component that is compliant with the PSR-3 standard. This component can be utilized to log various types of information, such as errors, warnings, and debugging messages, which can assist in identifying and resolving issues within the application.

By default, the framework does not provide its own implementation, however, the spiral/monolog-bridge component is available, which fully integrates with the Seldaek/monolog package and offers support for various powerful log handlers.

The framework makes it simple to configure these handlers, allowing for customization of log handling through the use of different channels.


To configure this component, it can be set up to your preference via a config file or a bootloader. The config file for this component is typically located in app/config/monolog.php. Through this file, you can select a default handler, set a global logging level, and customize handlers and processors to meet your specific needs.

Here is an example of a config file:

use Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\SyslogHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor;

return [
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Default Monolog handler
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'default' => env('MONOLOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL', 'default'),

     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Global logging level
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Monolog supports the logging levels described by RFC 5424.
     * @see
    'globalLevel' => Logger::toMonologLevel(
        env('MONOLOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG)

     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Handlers
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @see
    'handlers' => [
        'default' => [
                'class' => 'log.rotate',
                'options' => [
                    'filename' => directory('runtime') . 'logs/app.log',
                    'level' => \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG,
        'stderr' => [
        'stdout' => [
                'class' => SyslogHandler::class,
                'options' => [
                    'ident' => 'app',
                    'facility' => LOG_USER,

     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Processors
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Processors allows adding extra data for all records.
     * @see
    'processors' => [
        'default' => [
                'class' => PsrLogMessageProcessor::class,
                'options' => [
                    'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP',

Use MONOLOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL env variable to specify the default handler that should be used in your application.

Log format

By default, the handler will format the log message using the following structure [%datetime%] %level_name%: %message% %context%\n.

If you want to change the log message structure, you can set up the MONOLOG_FORMAT evn variable like in the example below:

MONOLOG_FORMAT=[%datetime%] %level_name%: %message% %context%\n

See more
Read more about the available placeholders in the Monolog documentation.

Register handler

In addition to configuring the logging component through a config file or bootloader, you can also register handlers via the Spiral\Monolog\Bootloader\MonologBootloader class.

Log rotate handler

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Monolog\Bootloader\MonologBootloader;

final class LoggingBootloader extends Bootloader
    public function boot(MonologBootloader $monolog): void
            $monolog->logRotate(directory('runtime') . 'logs/my-channel.log')

Don't forget to add this bootloader to the top of bootloaders list in app/src/Application/Kernel.php:

public function defineBootloaders(): array
    return [
        // ...
        // ...

Read more about bootloaders in the Framework — Bootloaders section.

RoadRunner handler

The RoadRunner bridge package provides Spiral\RoadRunnerBridge\Logger\Handler handler for sending logs to the RoadRunner app logger.

You just need to add Spiral\RoadRunnerBridge\Bootloader\LoggerBootloader to the top of bootloaders list:

public function defineBootloaders(): array
    return [
        // ...
        // ...

Read more about bootloaders in the Framework — Bootloaders section.

Make sure that you have the spiral/roadrunner-bridge package installed. This package provides the necessary classes to integrate RoadRunner with Monolog.

And change the default channel to roadrunner:



Send logs to the default channel

In order to use the logging component, the framework utilizes the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface class, which can be used to log messages to the default channel.

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

final class UserService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly LoggerInterface $logger
    ) {}

    public function register(string $email, string $password): void
        // Register user ...
        $this->logger->info('User has been registered', ['email' => $email]);

Send logs to a specific channel

There are a few ways to get a logger instance with a specific channel:

  • Using a logger factory that implements the Spiral\Logger\LogsInterface.
  • Using the attribute Spiral\Logger\Attribute\LoggerChannel on a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface parameter during autowiring.
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Spiral\Logger\LogsInterface;

final class UserService
    private readonly LoggerInterface $logger;

    public function __construct(LogsInterface $logs) 
        $this->logger = $logs->channel('my-channel');

    public function register(string $email, string $password): void
        // Register user ...
        $this->logger->info('User has been registered', ['email' => $email]);

Logger trait

Spiral provides a convenient way to quickly assign a Logger to any class through the use of the Spiral\Logger\Traits\LoggerTrait trait. By simply including this trait in a class you can easily access a Logger instance and log messages.

The channel name used for logging will be the class name by default. This trait enables you to log messages from any class without the need to explicitly inject the Logger in the constructor.

use Spiral\Logger\Traits\LoggerTrait;

final class UserService
    use LoggerTrait;

    public function register(string $email, string $password): void
        // Register user ...
        $this->getLogger()->info('User has been registered', ['email' => $email]);

And assign a logger to it:

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Monolog\Bootloader\MonologBootloader;

final class LoggingBootloader extends Bootloader
    // ...
    public function boot(MonologBootloader $monolog): void
            $monolog->logRotate(directory('runtime') . 'logs/user-dervice.log')

LoggerTrait only works inside the global IoC scope.

Handling only specific log levels

In some cases, you may want to log only specific log levels. For example, you may want to aggregate only application errors into a single log file.

To do this, you can subscribe to the default channel:

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use Monolog\Logger;
use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Monolog\Bootloader\MonologBootloader;

final class LoggingBootloader extends Bootloader
    // ...
    public function boot(MonologBootloader $monolog): void
            $monolog->logRotate(directory('runtime') . 'logs/errors.log', Logger::ERROR) // only ERROR and above