Revision: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:23:52 GMT

Component — Serializer

Spiral helps you manage and organize your code. One aspect of this is the ability to serialize data, which involves converting it into a format that can be stored or transmitted, and then later deserialized, or converted back into its original form. This is useful in a variety of situations, such as when transferring data over a network or storing it in a database.

Spiral includes some basic serialization tools by default, but these may not always be sufficient for more complex use cases. In such cases, the framework makes it easy to integrate additional serialization tools or to develop custom solutions for serializing data within your application. This allows you to choose the best approach for your specific needs.

The component is available by default in the application bundle.


To enable the serializer component in your Spiral application, you need to add Spiral\Serializer\Bootloader\SerializerBootloader to the bootloaders list.

public function defineBootloaders(): array
    return [
        // ...
        // ...

Read more about bootloaders in the Framework — Bootloaders section.


The configuration for the serializer component is stored in the app/config/serializer.php file. In this file, you can configure an array of available serializers and specify the default serializer.

For example, the configuration file might look like this:

use Spiral\Core\Container\Autowire;
use Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\JsonSerializer;
use Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\PhpSerializer; 
use Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\CallbackSerializer;

return [
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Default serializer
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * The key of one of the registered serializers.
    'default' => 'json',
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Available serializers
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * List of available serializers.  
    'serializers' => [
        // via fully qualified class name
        'json' => JsonSerializer::class,
        // via Autowire 
        'serializer' => new Autowire(PhpSerializer::class),
        // via Autowire with arguments
        'encrypted_serializer' => new Autowire(EncryptedPhpSerializer::class, ['secret' => env('ENCRYPTION_KEY')]),
        // or manual instantiating object
        'callback' => new CallbackSerializer(
            serializeCallback: fn(mixed $payload): string => \json_encode($payload),
            unserializeCallback: fn(string|\Stringable $payload, string|object|null $type = null) => \json_decode($payload, true)

Available serializers

The component comes with a few basic serializers out of the box, but it's also easy to integrate additional serialization tools or develop custom solutions for your specific needs.

  • Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\JsonSerializer (json) - uses PHP functions json_encode and json_decode. It does not support data hydration to an object.
  • Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\PhpSerializer (serializer) - uses PHP functions serialize and unserialize.
  • Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\ProtoSerializer (proto) - uses Google Protobuf for serialization and deserialization.
  • Spiral\Serializer\Serializer\CallbackSerializer- uses callbacks for serializing and deserializing data.

There are also packages that provide additional serializers:



The serializer can be injected from a container using the Spiral\Serializer\SerializerInterface. It will refer to the default serializer.

namespace App\Service;

use Spiral\Serializer\SerializerInterface;

class MyService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly SerializerInterface $serializer,
    ) {

    public function someMethod(): void
        // serialize
        $serialized = $this->serializer->serialize(['some' => 'data']);
        // unserialize
        $array = $this->serializer->unserialize($serialized);


You can use the Spiral\Serializer\SerializerManager to get a specific serializer by its string key from the configuration.

namespace App\Service;

use Spiral\Serializer\SerializerManager;

class MyService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly SerializerManager $serializer,
    ) {

    public function someMethod(): void
        $serialized = $this->serializer->getSerializer('json')->serialize(['some' => 'data']);
        $array = $this->serializer->getSerializer('json')->unserialize($serialized);

        $serialized = $this->serializer->getSerializer('serializer')->serialize(['some' => 'data']);
        $array = $this->serializer->getSerializer('serializer')->unserialize($serialized);

Creating a serializer

Serializer class

To create a custom serializer in Spiral, you will need to implement the Spiral\Serializer\SerializerInterface. This interface defines two methods that your serializer class must implement: serialize(...) and unserialize(...).

Here is an example of a custom serializer class that implements the SerializerInterface:



namespace App\Application\Serializer;

use Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message;
use Spiral\Serializer\SerializerInterface;

final class ProtoSerializer implements SerializerInterface
    public function serialize(mixed $payload): string|\Stringable
        \assert($payload instanceof Message);

        return $payload->serializeToString();

    public function unserialize(\Stringable|string $payload, object|string|null $type = null): mixed
            $type !== null
            && \class_exists($type)
            && \is_a($type, Message::class, true),

        $object = new $type();

        return $object;

The serialize method of your custom serializer class should accept a single parameter $payload which represents the data to be serialized. This method should return the serialized data as a string.

The unserialize method of your custom serializer class should accept two parameters: $payload which represents the serialized data as a string, and $type which is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the class or object into which the payload should be deserialized. This method should return the deserialized data.

Registering a new Serializer

There are two ways to register a custom serializer:

Using the Spiral\Serializer\SerializerRegistryInterface:

namespace App\Application\Bootloader;

use App\Application\Serializer\ProtoSerializer;
use Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\Bootloader;
use Spiral\Serializer\SerializerRegistryInterface;

class SerializerBootloader extends Bootloader
    public function boot(SerializerRegistryInterface $registry): void
        $registry->register('proto', new ProtoSerializer());