Exciting Updates to Spiral v3.12

Exciting Updates to Spiral v3.12

We are thrilled to announce the release of Spiral v3.12, a significant update that introduces a host of new features, improvements, and support enhancements that further solidify our commitment to providing a robust and developer-friendly framework. This release is a crucial step toward our upcoming version 4.0, laying the groundwork for an even more efficient and intuitive experience in dependency management. Let's dive into the key highlights of this release.

Improved Container Injectors

The spiral/core has been enhanced with advanced context handling in injector implementations, courtesy of a significant update by @roxblnfk. The createInjection method within the Spiral\Core\Container\InjectorInterface now boasts an improved ability to handle a broader range of context types. This enhancement allows for more detailed contextual information, thereby enabling the injector to make more informed decisions about implementation provisioning. This update marks a leap forward in flexibility for dependency resolution based on the calling context.

Enhanced Exception Handling

Thanks to @msmakouz, the framework now includes the ability to suppress non-reportable exceptions. This new feature allows developers to exclude certain exceptions from reporting, thereby streamlining the handling of errors and improving the overall robustness of applications built with Spiral.

Revamped Container Scopes

A foundational shift in how dependency management is approached within the framework, the introduction of better container scopes, is a game-changer. This update includes fixes to default scopes, the removal of the experimental ContainerScopeInterface, and enhancements to scoped interfaces and proxy handling. These changes are designed to provide more robust, efficient, and intuitive dependency management, setting the stage for the exciting features that version 4.0 will bring.

New scaffolder:info Console Command

The addition of the scaffolder:info console command, thanks to @butschster, offers developers a convenient way to list available commands, further enhancing the developer experience when working with Spiral.

Expanded Library Support and More

This release also includes added support for monolog/monolog v3.x, cocur/slugify 4.x, and league/flysystem v3.x, alongside the removal of doctrine/annotations. These updates, alongside various fixes and improvements across the board, ensure that Spiral Framework remains on the cutting edge of technology, offering seamless compatibility and functionality.

Looking Ahead

This release is not just about the new features and enhancements; it's about setting the groundwork for the future. As we edge closer to the release of version 4.0, we are committed to ensuring that the Spiral Framework continues to evolve, offering developers a powerful, flexible, and intuitive toolset for building modern web applications.

Stay tuned for a series of tutorials aimed at helping you navigate through these new features and enhancements. Whether you're a seasoned Spiral developer or new to the framework, these updates are designed to improve your development workflow and enhance the capabilities of your applications.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the contributors, especially those who made their first contribution in this release. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and have been instrumental in making this release possible.

For a detailed list of changes and contributions, please visit the release notes.